MAG 10 (Second Cycle)

Hey everyone, I did mag 10 a couple of months ago and had great results with the growth surge project. I’m going to start again, but I have a few simple questions. First, how many 2 on/2 off cycles of MAG 10 can be done back to back? This also includes using M, methoxy, and tribex in the off weeks. How many weeks should I take off after doing a number of cycles back to back? And second, what other programs work well with MAG 10 other than growth surge? I was thinking doing the same split, but sticking in the 6-10 rep range (maximum muscle growth for the 8 years I have been lifting). I also wanted to know if the 2 week recovery lift was necessary. I was almost thinking of doing a 5x5 during those two weeks to decrease the volume of training. I’m 175, about 8% bf. What do you guys think?


Bill Roberts addresses the questions of, “How many two on two off cycles can be used in back to back?” You could do a search for his posts to answer your question. As for training while on Mag-10, any high volume program should suffice. Just be sure to lower the volume when the cycle concludes. Take a look at GVT. I see no reason why 5x5 couldn’t be used in the off weeks. It’s low volume, could eat maintenance calories and add a bit of cardio in order to melt added bodyfat away. HTH.