MAG-10: gains vs dosage

If everyone could report what dose of
MAG-10 they’ve been using, and the gains
they’ve gotten in what length of time,
that would be really helpful in helping
people decide what dose they want to use.

And if there’s anything unusual, like you
decided not to increase your calories or
something, please mention that too.

So far a lot of great gains have
been reported, and it would really help
everyone to know whether they were from one dose per day, or two. Thanks!

Double dose first day, one after that. I’ve only been on a few days and haven’t weighed yet. Pumps are mind blowing in the gym though. Better than any steroid cycle I’ve done in the past.

Day 13 on Mag10. Be carefull, you guys could be charged with false advertising. Your initial promo stated that I could see a 20lb gain in eight weeks - thats not true. I can easily see myself with a twenty pound gain in about 18 days.
As for the dosage, I am taking the MAG10 twice a day and I am following the 2X a day workout routine. Calories are 1000 above my maintenance (4400 as opposed to 3400). I almost hate to stop taking the stuff. You are making this a very good ChristMASS for me!

I’m doing the one a day dose (except for the front load on the first day). On Phase 1 of this program (before Mag-10) I dropped a few pounds. I went from 170 to 166. After 3 days on Mag-10, I was back up to 169 and am feeling pumped all the time. Last weigh in was 2 days ago and my guess is that today I would come in over 170. During my second week I plan to switch from the one a day to the two a day protocol. Will post results to compare week 1 gains to week 2.

It’s day 8. Up from 174.5 @ 11.9% bf, to 182 @ 13.3% bf. Strangely I lost 3 pounds overnight, the other night. I take 2, 5 ml
(1 tsp) doses of Mag-10 everyday.
A product equivalent of 2 scoops of Surge during and after every workout, with 5 gms creatine in all four drinks.
Started at 4,700 cals/day. Up to 5200 cals/day. I revise my calories every four days. My body can only handle 2 on, 1 off, repeat, for the two-a-day workouts.
Anything else?

On day 5. Intended to do 2 week cycle, 1 dose per day with double dose front load and 2x a day training. Work went crazy and I have been working since before my gym opened until after it closed some days. Also impacted meals, averaging only 3000cals and not the best ratios either (always had AP with me though). Despite all that, still managed to go from 186.5 lbs to 191 lbs with no noticable fat gain. This is with only 3 workouts!. Have 2 more bottles, so will wait until I have a little more control over my environment, before deciding whether to extend the cycle or break and prepare for a fresh cycle in a couple of weeks.

I gained 9 pounds over 14 days by taking a half dose (3/4 of cap) morning and night. I kept my protein at 2g/lb but my total calories probably only averaged 3,500 - 4,000 calories per day (finished at 201, 5’10" and 14% BF). I didn’t gain much if any fat so next time I’m going to really increase the calories.

Here’s the information as requested.
I cycled for 12 days instead of 14 (had to listen to my body). I kept my calories up at 4900 except for three days where they ranged from 3900 to 4300.
My beginning weight was 192 and ending weight was 196 (this last weight stayed consistant over 4 days and measurement was always taken in the morning) My body fat level remained constant throughout at 19%. Levels were checked on three different occasions.

Results continued:

Measurements are as follows:
Day one Day 12
Bi’s 16 3/4 17 1/16
fore arms 12 1/2 13
chest 44 44 3/4
thighs 24 25 1/16
calves 16 16

I got 7 to 8 hours sleep at least every night and on the low calorie days I actually slept more which is why I didn’t finish cals for the day.
The pump was constant 24 hours a day and as I wrote in an earlier line (to which you t-guys have not responded I actually had a period of renewed soreness followed by 1/16 growth in arms and elsewhere.)
Any questions for me just post.

I gained 10 lbs in 14 days on one full dose per day in the morning. I trained once a day and ate about 1.5 grams of protein per lb of bodyweight. I know I would have gained much more if I would have ate alot more protein. Also no apparent fat gain or side effects.

Day 3. Extreme soreness prevented me from doing all my leg workout and limited me in today’s (C) chest workout. This is definitely due to the increased volume and going to failure. Surprisingly I’m up 7 lbs. in just 3 days. I know its not all muscle, in fact, most is probably glycogen and water, especially since I didn’t use creatine in Phase 1. I’m not eating enough calories, probably only 500 calories above maintenance, if that. Now that finals are over, hopefully that aspect will change. Will continue to update the next few days…

Taking 9 ml’s daily, pre workout, I started at 171 ten days ago. Weighed in today at 183 for a 12 pound gain. Tanita scale says only a 1% gain in bodyfat. I’m eating at least 4000 calories per day, usually closer to 4500. 360 grams of protein, 450 grams of carbs, and 86 grams of fat. Needless to say, I’m quite satisfied, amazed in fact, with my results. Can we buy stock in Biotest, because this stuff blows ANYTHING else away!

I’m on day 16 and my weight is up 9lbs; from 205 to 214. I used the recommended dosing protocol; front loading on day 1 and one dose per day, before training, on subsequent days. Strength gains have been notable but nothing dramatic. BTW, I took in 1.5 grams of protein/lb of bw and increased caloric intake to 500 above maintenance. In addition, I am 36 years old and have over 12 years of lifting behind me, so I’m far from a newbie. Very impressive product!! Merry Christmas!


I went up about 500 calories from my 4000 (so
about 4500 total). I was at 4000 calories “berardi-style” for about 1 month and only went up 1lb, so I guess this is close to maintenance for me. I’d say about 440gm of that is protien (I weigh about 200, or at least did), about the same in carbs, and the rest fat. I’ve been on the single dose a day regime, 9ml, measured with a baby medicine giver, although I account for a bit of air by usually being closer to 10ml. I’m on the second week - I take my last dose on Sunday.
Start: about 198, 5.1% (9-site calipers 4 days before starting)
Current: about 204, ??%

Asside from strength going up, I do notice my pants are much tighter, so I suspect a bit of the weight gain is water which will get released when I’m off, and cut the carbs back again.

I’m 37 and work, family stuff, etc. keep me from being able to use the intensity/ frequency you speak of … BUT I went from 205 to 220, arms 16 to 17 inches- NO FOOLIN’ . .chest 46 to 47 1/2 and my strength through the roof.

I was not that technical- 2x/ day MAG 10 at cap and a half, during and after workout: 3 g BCAA’s 50 g Carb, 25g Pro with a little lipoic acid to potentiate glucose absorption . .
3-4 heavy workouts/ week . .planes of motion like Ian King- push/ pull with rest between sets . .whenever possible a couple extra reps or pounds but always in perfect form.
Workouts no more than 45 minutes long.
Am about to end cycle and use M and 6 Tribex/ day for 4 weeks and then redo . .
Will push even more protein next time . .
FYI- I have followed the higher protein/ fat advocated for my type in the book METABOLIC TYPING recommended by PAUL CHEK- great piece for choosing your ideal foodlist
Good luck all
Thanks Biotest, Bill and all

I am just now finishing a two week cycle of MAG-10 and my comments are in line with many of the previous posters. My weight has not dramatically increased - about 5 lbs, but my strength (especially on the second week) seems to have gone through the roof. I started at 180 lbs 7.5% BF and now am 185-6 lbs 6.5-7% BF. My weight has not increased that much since I have not increased the caloric load dramatically (I added about 500 calories). I am going to stop at about 200 lbs and maintain the same BF %.

BUMP- c’mon guys . .I’d really like to see if there’s a difference between the group that double doses and single doses. I doubled and went from 205 to almost 220 . .pretty damned solid too. Just strength training 3-4x/wk and eating lots of good food- no more science really. Speak up all !

2 doses/day for 12 days, but I didn’t raise calories. In the weeks before the cycle, my diet wasn’t that great…probably averaging about 3000 Cal/day at 195lbs, not eating enough protein. I ate like a champ (comparitively) during the cycle (Massive Eating style, getting at least 200 g protein/day), but I didn’t raise my calories at all. Well, what usually takes me a month to achieve only took 2 weeks. Bodyfat down and muscle hardness way up. Visually, it looks like I’ve gained a ton of muscle and lost lots of fat. I’d say realistically I’ve gone from about 13-14% bodyfat to about 11% and only lost about a pound. I look WAY better and feel great. Now I’m on day 4 on my off cycle and still, every day I’m feeling great and looking better. Now I’ve tightened up the diet even more, still trying to get 200 grams of protein/day. I think these guys have nailed it with the “Mag-10 Plan for Success”. If you eat clean, you can’t go wrong…especially if you weren’t eating very clean before. I was lifting hard during the cycle…2 days on/1 off. Next time I’ll eat a little more and train as hard as I can without killing myself. No side effects besides slightly oilier skin.

Just bumping forward so this is forefront on a Monday . .any more people ?