MAG-10 Dieting

Bill, I want a more gradual approach to increases in LBM and body weight while on MAG-10. Reasons are I don’t particularly want stretch marks, want to look hard, not puffy, and I want to retain most of what I build. I was thinking of increasing calories modestly over maintenance (maybe 500) while on MAG-10 and making sure I take in plenty of protein and watch the fats. Do you think this is a good approach to build the noticeable size gradually, look harder and not bloated while on MAG-10? Or is MAG-10 not the best choice for my particular goals?

I think it more efficient to use as recommended and if you want to limit gains at any one time, either cut the cycle short,
or make one of the weeks a dieting week.

MAG-10 doesn’t cause much, if any, water retention, so I don’t think you have to worry about being puffy or “bloated”. Or are you talking about from all the food? In that case, just keeps carbs under control and choose good ones.

Is Mag-10 sufficiently anabolic to offset the catabolism of using T3 to cut?