Now I really don’t mean to repeat posts or take up precious space, but I’ve read the stickies and I just would like someone to maybe clear this up. There is also a TLTR info section at the end.
I was never heavy into lifting, but started about 4 years ago as a freshman (I am now 18, just out of highschool) with simple football summer workouts and benching/curling whenever i had extra time. I was not consistent. Then I did lots of circuit work because I was going to go naval academy and did specialized training to lose weight and get good at pullups etc.
I got fat again and just this past 3-4 months put off about 30 lbs and lowered my bf% to about 8.9% through resistance training (high volume low intensity). I then started trying to bulk on my friends ridiculous routine it was an insane amount of volume (BB split with 3-6 exercises per area) and no intensity progression.
Now I’ve been doing Wendlers 5/3/1 with his basic template given in the 2nd edition. However, most of what I’ve read and seen is guys are starting that when they get bench press to 225 and then other compound movements in proportion to that (225 bench was just easy to remember).
So basically I was going to go back to an even more novice simpler routine because I think i can tap back into beginner gains and just add weight and get stronger. Problem is I roughly know what I can max out at with weight/reps and starting strength seems a little too novice for me (my technique and form are spot on, had American Strongman Andrew Durniat show me proper technique on all of the lifts).
So would madcows 5x5 be a safe bet? I’m just trying to pick an appropriate program to get results.
heres some TLTR summaries:
5ft 8in 8-9% bf
160 lbs
bench: 160x8 (that was my last work set and I just went all out, it was however, after 2 other sets)
squat: 205x7 and i think i actually did ~195x10 on my last squat day on 5/3/1
deadlifts: 235x13 << this is why i think to need to be off of 5/3/1, deadlifts I actually know pretty solidly how much I can do and on my 3x3 day i ended up banging out that. Which makes me think i could use a more aggressive progression program
is madcow 5x5 a safe bet or should i try starting strength, even though i know my limits and maxes fairly well.