Lower back rounding deadlift

I have looked at dozens of tutorials on how to deadlift yet every single time even with very light weights my lower back is rounding. I have done extremely light weights while trying to follow the tutorials yet it still feels extremely uncomfortable with lower back pain. What am I supposed to do now

If you just hinged over right now and did a pretend deadlift, like perform the deadlift motion without the bar in your hands, does your lower back round?

Do you have the ability to get into the bottom position correctly, without rounding?

Or does your lower back round any time you bend over?

No, but it feels very uncomfortable every where. I used extremely light weight too but getting into the deadlift position is already very painful trying to follow what dozens of tutorials have said. If I deadlift half of my 1 rep max my back starts to round even if I try to brace as hard as possible while wearing a belt it feels impossible to keep my lower back straight and I dont know how high my hips should be deadlifting and I have no idea how to engage my lats even though it feels like im engaging it the second I start to deadlift it ungages. There is a thousand things wrong with my deadlift form but despite spending hours of researching how to deadlift its still wrong

I used to have low back pain every time I deadlifted. I ran a program that involved using light weights, sloooow, 6-10 second eccentrics and multiple 2-3 second pauses. Now, I no longer have back pain.

You could try doing multiple light sets with slow eccentrics and/or pauses before and after your regular workout to learn the movement. At first, I wouldn’t even focus on adding weight; you could progress by adding longer or more pauses.

Also, learning how to do RDLs taught me more about pulling from the floor than, well, pulling from the floor.

Or…you could post a video of your current deadlift.

It sounds as though you’re bending at the back rather than hinging at the hips.


Video footage please


It sounds like an activation issue.

Have you been active prior to this, like manual labor growing up or anything?

Lat activation:

All kinds of good back stuff:

John Meadows is/was a goldmine of activation and mind muscle connection knowledge, so watch closely. There’s a lot built in to his vids that isn’t on the label.

I also get really good lat activation from strict wall crawls and putting emphasis on the external rotation and contraction at the bottom.

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Can you post a video?

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Just use a trap bar until you’re strong enough that you want to start competing tbh.

Why solve a hard problem when you can solve an easy one


I like this approach! If you cannot master the form of a trap bar deadlift, you have no chance doing it with a straight bar deadlift.

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Honestly just trying to depress your scapula (push your shoulders down) should activate your lats

How the hell is everyone so sure of the fix without seeing it in real life?

We’ve seen it 1000 times before.

it’s all the same, only the names will change


Given that this dude tends to just make a bunch of topics and not return to them, this is really the best shot we have.

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I return to most, but I dont want to send video

So how is it that you think you can be helped?
Retract your shoulder and pick your head up a bit. IDK, how can anyone else??

I’m not fixing anything, I’m just describing how to “activate” lats since he said he doesn’t know how to do that.

Why not?