Lower Back Pain (Right Side Only)

Hello all T-nationers :slight_smile: I’m new here and have some back problems. Last tuesday I Back squated to 1rm and something went wrong. When i squated the weight there was no problem, but when I racked it and the weight was off my shoulders I felt a pretty bad and sharp pain in the area on the picture.

I immediately stopped and moved on to front squats. There was not so much pain. On the next day I went to the gym and done some conditioning - no pain at first, but when I loaded the bar to do some squats(part of the conditioning) even on BW there still was pain. I took some days off and I’m wondering what to do. The pain is sharp on the right side only and only when I rack the weight on the squat rack.

I’m 17 years old wrestler training 5 times a week- mon, wed, fri and saturday - conditioning + olympic lifts. So what could it be- a herniated disc or just muscle strain? I really don’t want to rest more I want to train.
If any more information is needed - I will provide, just ask.
p.s Sorry for my bad english - it is not my native.

Good luck with the recovery and always seek a professional.

Thanks a lot. Actually yesterday I done some stretching/ pvc rolling and immediately felt better. So today I’m doing 2x stretching and in the afternoon conditioning. After that I will see how I feel and maybe do some high rep squat on 40kgs (1/2xBW) . No Clean and Jerks today and no Military Press :slight_smile:

good man

does your back still hurt? don’t leave it without attention , it can be very dangerous if its just muscles then it goes away easily but bones…
check this site out about lower right back pain: lower-rightback-pain.com

Great warm up/rehab routine. Started doing it as soon as I saw the video. However, I was unable to perform groiners and the rolling v sit exercises do to too much pain in my lower right back. Is it possible to learn more about what exactly happened to my back/hips based on the fact that I can’t complete those two similar exercises?