Lower Back, Final Rehab Problems

Apologies from the go, as this may end up longer than expected.

A bit of history:
I’ve had trouble with my back before, a couple of years ago I hurt the right hand side of my back during a deadlift, it was a sharp pain in the right hand side. Of course, I still trained as much as I could on it, and I made the issue worse by not resting and the pain spread down from my back to my glutes. I seen a physio/chiropractor about it and he diagnosed locked facet joints + possible sacroilliac joint trouble, with probably muscle strain and resulting cramping. He said my hips where out of wack and after a couple of sessions where he did a little bit of soft tissue work and manipulation he said he could do no more in the mean time. The cramping and in my glutes took ages to subside, and the generalised lower back pain even longer. I had a flare up about 1 year ago, but right now my back feels really good about 4 out of every 5 days.

The pain I have now is fleeting and in my lower back/ upper hip area. It is centred predominantly of to the right, if I had to say an exact region for the pain I would say just in behind the iliac crest and moving out right and if I had to pinpoint a muscle that I felt tight it would be the iliacus and even the psoas.

Some observations:
1- There is mild pain in the right hip (areas described above) when I bend forward and to my left hand side, or when I tilt my torso to the left as if I was training my obliques.
2- I’ve noticed during squats that my left side appears to be lower than the right in the hole (my legs are even length btw)
3- My erectors on my right hand side look bigger than those on the left.
4- When standing my right side seems to be pulled down somewhat compared to the right.

Anybody know what this might be and any suggestions for getting rid of it. It’s far from debilitating, in fact I have almost made a full recovery but this seems to be the last hurdle in my hopefully full recovery from the initial injury that I just can’t seem to get a handle on. I think it might simply be a tight muscle/muscles, but I’m unsure how to address it.

Thanks fellas

For number 4, you mean your right shoulder is lower than the left?

So, when you squat, right shoulder is lower but right hip is higher than left side, correct?

[quote]BReddy wrote:
For number 4, you mean your right shoulder is lower than the left?

So, when you squat, right shoulder is lower but right hip is higher than left side, correct?[/quote]

Correct - when standing my right shoulder is slightly lower (only really noticeable in pictures) and when squatting my left hip is lower at the bottom of the squat by about an inch or so.

I seem to be evening out lately though, because neither look as bad as they used to. Slowly getting there I think.