Do as Gerdy says… when you are ready to come back no DL.
Before you do anyof the stuff i suggest below, go see a professional. You need to assess if you have a protuding/bulging disc, if you do - no biggie, unless you just throw exercise at it, make it a prolapsed disc, and then you got problems for life.
GO SEE A PROFESSIONAL, if they approve rehabilitative evercise, the stuff below is a good, very basic workout…
Begin by making sure you have a CV base, walking, bike, rower if not painful…
Then you can do leg extensions, machine presses etc, whatever that does not affect your lumbar whatsoever…(Machine full body work)
Use a general training schedule - 10mins Warm… 10 Mins cool… 30-40mins workout.
Within those 40mins after your other, challenging machine based workout,
Do a specific lower back/core (*puke) workout for rehab…
Depending on severity, etc i suggest this, i have usd in similar situation.
Kneeling alt. superman: 1-3sets 10-20reps
Prone Floor back ext: 1-3sets 10-20reps
Plank: 1-3sets 15-60 secs
Fitball crunch: 1-3sets 10-20reps
After, i would guess…2-3 weeks, re-assess your progress… if you progressed from 1 set of 10 reps to 3 sets of 20 reps and its easy… the then next step would be hypers, bar DL etc… 2 weeks and build from there…resisted etc.