I’m trying to work around my crappy arm joints. I have essentially zero finger strength, and it cannot be increased - though I’m trying slowly just in case I’m wrong.
I’ve never been able to hold much weight without assistance - for example, I can’t barbell curl at all - my right wrist doesn’t turn outward enough.
However,I have been able to work up to some decent weight with ez-bar curls, pulleys, and such. But now that I’m doing more weight, my elbows are getting sorely overtaxed and I’ve had to back off the last couple weeks. I’m sort of afraid to go back to the heavy curls, though I was starting to see results.
How can I stress the biceps/triceps to grow without using the joint-busting weight? More variation, insanely high reps, 21s, 1 1/3 reps, what? Has anyone found particular success via this method?
I’m having so much success with my other body parts I’m starting to look kinda dumb. a 44" chest, 28" thighs, and 12.5" biceps is kinda ridiculous.