I’m 59 and had a blood test about 3 months ago. I complained to my doctor, I was tired all the time. I had to force myself to go to the gym after work. If I trained 2 days in a row. I was totally physically spent the next day. He told to get this blood test,which would include testing my Testosterone level.
When I got my results in went from 1.6 two years ago to .3. When I saw him, he totally ignored the results. He knows I’m a lifter, i have the feeling this is the reason he won’t give me the shots. Any idea’s. I have no history to taking anything Illegal.
I’ve been on Androgel for 4months. I’m at 7 grams daily. I dont see much change, still have loads of bodyfat. It has changed some mood swing issues, made me more mellow actually. The opposite of what most would expect I assume.
I’m opting for the injectable, my doctor wants to show my wife how to administer the the testosterone. I guess if she’s pissed at me, she will enjoy the process.
I am currently self-injecting Test Cypionate, 1/2ml IM weekly. It is not too bad self-injecting, my wife won’t even watch, much less actually stick me!
I am going to see Dr. tomorrow to see if I can increase to 1ml/wk, or if there is something he would suggest to add to HRT. Someone more knowlegable than me will let you know what you need to ask your Dr. about dosage and supplement.
Cyp is the best. I did the gel thing for a while but it was a pain in the ass. I self inject in the thigh and it isn’t too bad. I’ll second the mellow part and to get a new doctor. The cost for injections are a hell of a lot less, too. The only problem is that if the dosage isn’t right, I get to feeling blue a couple of days before my next injection. I bumped up my dosage 1/2 a cc and I got a little agitated. I split the difference and now I feel great. I know when I have had too much and I know when it isn’t enough.
I was hesitant to talk to my doctor about what was going on because he is a little old fashioned. Instead of being like your doctor, he immediately tested me. When my result came back low, he immediately prescribed androgel to me. He then prescribed cyp to me when I told him I wanted injections. It took about two months to get it adjusted correctly.
[quote]Mr. X wrote:
I am currently self-injecting Test Cypionate, 1/2ml IM weekly. It is not too bad self-injecting, my wife won’t even watch, much less actually stick me!
I am going to see Dr. tomorrow to see if I can increase to 1ml/wk, or if there is something he would suggest to add to HRT. Someone more knowlegable than me will let you know what you need to ask your Dr. about dosage and supplement.
I just got bumped up in my dose. My doctor is conservative, but we are gradually creeping towards the high “average”. My wife sticks me every Sunday night, and writes which “cheek” on the calendar so I only poke one every other week. I don’t think I could inject myself.
I have a question I hope someone can help me with. First, if I’m posting in the wrong thread, sorry, not very computer literate. Anyway, I’m on 200 mg Test Cyp + 1000 units HCG / week for low test count. Would there be any benefit to taking Alpha Male or TRIBEX along with it?
[quote]Heavyweight wrote:
When I got my results in went from 1.6 two years ago to .3. When I saw him, he totally ignored the results. [/quote]
Did the doc give you any reason that might explain it? It may be deficiencies in minerals as someone indicated, but i’d be very uncomfortable if i couldnt point at a cause - poor diet, lots of stress, drinking alcohol more than usual, recent illness - those kinds of factors.
Other than that, are there are ‘age’ clinics around you can get into contact with, or alternate doctors?
[quote]pitbull wrote:
I have a question I hope someone can help me with. First, if I’m posting in the wrong thread, sorry, not very computer literate. Anyway, I’m on 200 mg Test Cyp + 1000 units HCG / week for low test count. Would there be any benefit to taking Alpha Male or TRIBEX along with it?[/quote]
No, 200mg test cyp per week probably has your T at 1600pg/ml. That is way to high for TRT. Please post levels and ranges.
sperm has counts
blood work has levels
What is your E2/estrodiol level? With that amount of T, you could be having sigificant E problems.
1000iu of HCG all in one day?
200mg T in one injection per week?
[quote]KSman wrote:
pitbull wrote:
I have a question I hope someone can help me with. First, if I’m posting in the wrong thread, sorry, not very computer literate. Anyway, I’m on 200 mg Test Cyp + 1000 units HCG / week for low test count. Would there be any benefit to taking Alpha Male or TRIBEX along with it?
No, 200mg test cyp per week probably has your T at 1600pg/ml. That is way to high for TRT. Please post levels and ranges.
sperm has counts
blood work has levels
What is your E2/estrodiol level? With that amount of T, you could be having sigificant E problems.
1000iu of HCG all in one day?
200mg T in one injection per week?
I dont have my most recent lab results yet but I checked by phone and my total test was 520. When I started ten weeks ago my total test was 150 free test was 5.9 estradiol 30.
I’m not interested in supplements increasing my test levels just with them keeping my testes full size and functional.
[quote]KSman wrote:
pitbull wrote:
I have a question I hope someone can help me with. First, if I’m posting in the wrong thread, sorry, not very computer literate. Anyway, I’m on 200 mg Test Cyp + 1000 units HCG / week for low test count. Would there be any benefit to taking Alpha Male or TRIBEX along with it?
No, 200mg test cyp per week probably has your T at 1600pg/ml. That is way to high for TRT. Please post levels and ranges.
sperm has counts
blood work has levels
What is your E2/estrodiol level? With that amount of T, you could be having sigificant E problems.
1000iu of HCG all in one day?
200mg T in one injection per week?
and yes the HCG and Test one shot, once a week.
Definitly find a new Doc. I had to go outside of my GP to find an age specialist. He didn’t hesitate to hook me up with some T. I found my Doc on lef.com.
I was on 200mg/wk of cyp. I am 55 and with that dose my tt was a little over 1700. I have since been tapering to 160. I feel pretty good at this level. I used Androgel for about a year and a half prior to that. Injecting since xmas 06. I self inject in glute 80mg 2x/wk.
As far as MDs go, I am telling them what I want and argue my case. There won’t be anymore, “your t level is 400, that’s ok” and I’ve had that, because like you, I lifted. They acted like I was in my 30s and not my 50s.
I don’t get arrogant, but I go in with the intention of getting what I want if it is within reason and that is with all specialists. Sorry but I have lost a lot of respect for MDs. They are more worried about their Mercedes payments, kickbacks from insurance co, etc. My endo/anti-aging sold gh VERY pricey and I think he would sell cocaine if he could.
I had bw done the other day and will post results for you.
1000iu of HCG all in one day?
200mg T in one injection per week?
and yes the HCG and Test one shot, once a week.
If you feel drained or let down at the end of the week, you should try more frequent injections. The down days at the end of the week can become longer so that one can have 7 down days a week. This is mostly caused by increased estrogen levels and the estrogen also increases SHBG that reduces free testosterone. Using arimidex will reduce E and SHBG, leading to higher free testosterone.
Given the half life of HCG, you should inject EOD. Research showed that 250iu SQ EOD maintained testicular function at/near baseline. 1000iu of HCG all at once might have a negative effect on the LH receptors.
I found that I could inject test cyp with the same size insulin syringe [#29x.5:x.5ml) that I use for the HCG. I injected each every day for a while to see what dead steady T levels felt like, then changed to EOD injections and felt the same. EOD injections should and seem to provide quite steady hormone levels.
More frequent injections that reduce the T spikes will also reduce E and SHBG levels.
1000iu of HCG all in one day?
200mg T in one injection per week?
and yes the HCG and Test one shot, once a week.
If you feel drained or let down at the end of the week, you should try more frequent injections. The down days at the end of the week can become longer so that one can have 7 down days a week. This is mostly caused by increased estrogen levels and the estrogen also increases SHBG that reduces free testosterone. Using arimidex will reduce E and SHBG, leading to higher free testosterone.
Given the half life of HCG, you should inject EOD. Research showed that 250iu SQ EOD maintained testicular function at/near baseline. 1000iu of HCG all at once might have a negative effect on the LH receptors.
I found that I could inject test cyp with the same size insulin syringe [#29x.5:x.5ml) that I use for the HCG. I injected each every day for a while to see what dead steady T levels felt like, then changed to EOD injections and felt the same. EOD injections should and seem to provide quite steady hormone levels.
More frequent injections that reduce the T spikes will also reduce E and SHBG levels.[/quote]