Today I got the results of a testosterone test, and weren’t good at all!. I have 12,52 nmol/L (3,61 mcg/L), and so far as I know the normal levels are between 10-35 nmol/L, so even if my level is “normal” I think it’s still pretty low, considering that I’m 27 and go regularly to the gym.
I’ve felt midly depressed for a long time and my sex drive is almost non-existent. Probably my level of testosterone is the main cause.
First and most importantly, talk to your Dr. That’s what he is there for. Your test comes up in the ‘normal’ range, but you feel it is low. There are T-boosters availabe. A great one from this site would be the Alpha Male product. Read and follow directions for cycling.
My initial advice would be for you to clean up your diet. You didn’t go into specifics about it, but that may be all you need. A little tweak here and there could affect your levels of T.
Secondly, adjusting your workouts with T-levels as your focus could also change your results. Shorten your workouts, make them more intense, focus on big-compound movements.
Lastly, don’t lose any sleep over it. Your results were ‘in the ballpark’ so it is not a major issue. Consult your Dr., peruse the internet and any other medical journals for info, and keep working.
My initial advice would be for you to clean up your diet. You didn’t go into specifics about it, but that may be all you need. A little tweak here and there could affect your levels of T.
I think your diet may have a hand in the lower T-Levels as Sasquatch said. Look into taken fish oil and Flax seed oils, which aid supporting healthy T-levels.
Secondly, adjusting your workouts with T-levels as your focus could also change your results. Shorten your workouts, make them more intense, focus on big-compound movements.
Lastly, don’t lose any sleep over it. Your results were ‘in the ballpark’ so it is not a major issue.
Exactly. Your normal don’t worry about it. Proper rest will also help.
I’m not as satisfied by appearing in the normal range. Read up on it and see what other symptoms you exhibit that might indicate low T levels. As long as you are not a hypochondriac this should be a good indicator.
Sure, being in the normal range means that the standard medical community doesn’t consider you to have an issue, but your post indicates that you think otherwise.
If you are fairly fat, perhaps you might benefit from something that would inhibit aromatization? Perhaps combining supplementation with Alpha Male and M might make a difference.
It is hard to say, but don’t be afraid to tell your doctor that normal sounds nice but perhaps the two of you could work towards the high end of normal to see if you find a quality of life difference. It’s your life.