[quote]andri wrote:
[quote]david111 wrote:
Hey andri … it took me a while before i started getting a good sleep again, even after i changed my diet back to normal. The things i tried which did not help in the slightest were: listening to a meditation tape, taking magnesium and/or 5HTP and/or melatonin about 30 mins before i went to bed, drinking herbal tea before bed, eating heaps of carbs, taking sleeping pills (temazapam) - these will knock you out but the sleep is so shitty and i felt so useless the next day that i stopped taking them. you could try these, but i had no luck.
after a couple of months of trying all these, i finally saw a sleep specialist. their advice was:
(a) it will take UP TO 3-4 weeks to adjust to a sustantially different macro combination, but the body will adjust fine
(b) only go to bed when tired - the brain goes through a cycle every 90-120 minutes. when youre feeling heaps tired (ie the bottom of the cycle) then go to bed. otherwise, read a book in low light. if you miss the low point, then wait for the next one.
(c) no blue light (tv, computer etc) in the hour before bed. though, there is an app called f.lux which helps with this.
(d) if you’re not asleep within 20 mins, get up and read a book UNTIL TIRED, and then go to bed.
(e) related to (b) and (d), you need to associate your bed with sleeping. if you cant sleep in it, then get up. if this persists, find a different bed to sleep in. this worked an absolute treat for me. i had such a bad association with my bed but as soon as i changed beds i was fine.
basically, it had got to the stage where my sleeping problems really were “all in my head”.
anyway, hope this all helps. i did a buttload of reading into all this stuff, if youve got more questions let me know. my sleep is fine now, and i even did four months on the anabolic diet (<30 g carbs a day for 5-6 days a week). I just told myself to stick with it, and after a few days my sleep was fine. [/quote]
Thanks a lot for replying. I have also done an absolute ton of reading about insomnia and it seems like I am following the same path as you did.
Pills - done. Did not work and I doubt they work for any one to be honest.
Meditation/relaxation - It helps but I have remained pretty calm about the situation to be honest. Although I am now getting desperate since its been two months.
Carbs - I increased my carbs a lot… It definitely has helped. I fall asleep easier I have stopped pulling all nighters.
5-htp - It arrives on thursday. Im not sure what to expect… I have never had much success with taking any supplements or pills, so I dont know.
As far as negative connotations regarding my bedroom, yes, definitely. But I dont know if it has surpassed the physical mark and become mental. If so, then it is very much so subconscious.
I always fall asleep quite quickly… but the sleep is just so short and I usually wake 3-4 times… And even if I get 6-7 hours I still feel exhausted and worse than the day before. Does that sound like you? Im short of wondering whether I should re-double my efforts regarding the mental aspect of the insomnia. I just dont understand how subconscious issues could interrupt you when you are already asleep!
Thanks again,
in response to your questions:
(1) recovering from a severe sleep debt (which you probably had/have) can take as long as two weeks of consistently good sleep each night. this may be why you’re still feeling shit even after a good sleep. so stick at it, and get in a good routine of going to bed about the same time every night. for me, i went through a frustrating phase of good sleep one night and then bad sleep the next. but, after a while it was fine.
(2) when you’re asleep, the brain doesn’t switch off. in fact, your subconcsious can be very active, especially in REM sleep. so the brain is still ticking along. from my experience, when i know that i have to wake up early the next morning, i sleep badly as the nervousness/anxiety i am experiencing gives me a bad sleep. i’ll also wake up a lot, and sleep lightly. i find reading a book and clearing my head for 20 minutes before i go to bed really helps. also i write down any worries/things i need to remember to do the next day, so they’re out of my head and i don’t need to worry about remembering them.
so what i’m saying is, if you’re nervous or have a lot on your mind when you go to sleep, you’ll be more likely to wake up a lot in the middle of the night.
if you’re still having problems waking up, you could try using earbuds. I use Quies, they are the shit.
another possibility is that your required sleep is more than 6-7 hours. for me, i need almost 8 hours a night to feel rested. other people need more, others less.
also, you’ve probably found this site already, but if you havent there’s some interesting stuff to read http://www.sleepwarrior.com/