I’ve read some studies that stated that Low carb diets can ‘cramp’ testosterone.
Is this true? I hope not, because i keep a high protein/fat intake, and a lower carb intake ( usually 70-100g ). Take some complex carbs in the morning, and fruits at night.
I always thought that high protein + high fat increase testosterone and control insulin better.
“I always thought that high protein + high fat increase testosterone …”
compared to what? After about 30% fat I don’t think there’s much benefit in that way - the only people who will get better T levels from increasing their fat intake are basically those who have previously been eating in a very low-fat way.
I’ve not seen any data about actual hormone levels but my experience and that of others is that sex drive is diminished when carbs are too restricted. 100g a day might be ok but really until about 50%+ of my calories are from carbs, its pretty much absent.
Please link me to the studies you read, btw. I’d be interested to see them.
If you feel fine how you are now then don’t worry about it.