Lots of Protein EVERY Day?

Let’s say I’m about 185 lbs, and I am for 250g of protein per day. Now let’s say I workout Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Do I still need that full 250 grams of protein on say saturday & Sunday when I haven’t even worked out those days, or in the case of sunday, in two days?

I understand muscle repair and everything, but I can’t imagine my body needing an equal amount of protein, on days that I haven’t even trained on.

every day

Your body rebuilds and gets larger on its off day, so logically, yes, starve your body on off days.

Growth is NOT linear - you grow in spurts.

Why pass up the chance of growth and better recovery on your off days? I don’t eat as much, but I do keep protein high.

On my off days I do keep carbs lower and raise the fats, but that’s just personal preference.

[quote]rsg wrote:
Growth is NOT linear - you grow in spurts.

Why pass up the chance of growth and better recovery on your off days? I don’t eat as much, but I do keep protein high.

On my off days I do keep carbs lower and raise the fats, but that’s just personal preference.[/quote]

K, I always wondered about that. I feel weird choking down all that protein sometimes, when I haven’t worked out in 2 days, and even the soreness from my last workout is fading.

250g is not a LOT … !

You don’t need the same amount every day, you also dont get every gram you eat into your body - depends on your digestive system.

Rather than trying to second guess the exact requirements each day and the exact ability to digest (also affected by other things you eat etc), it is practical to stick with roughly the same amount daily.

If you ‘miss’ a day don’t worry about it either, just try to keep as consistent as you reasonably can

Reduce carbs on days you don’t train imo.

on my nontraining days i take in about 380g protien; and i have no problem with that.

250 is nothing man. keep it high.

x2 for the low carb/high fat that RSG suggested for nontraining.