Losing weight, and not muscle

Don’t know what happened, in the middle of writing a message and it sent itself. Anyway, I just ordered MD6, and plan on losing quite a bit of fat that I have put on in the last year. My concern is that I will lose muscle while losing the fat. I know that BIOTEST has supplemants to help keep muscle while losing fat, but due to lack of funds I can not give them a shot right now. I do have some anabolics around from a couple of years ago. Would it help me to lose fat with out losing muscle if I took a shot of Sustanon 250 a week, for three or four weeks? Keep in mind, I am not thinking of taking these as a cycle to get bigger. I simply want to retain my muscle while losing fat, and I figured since I have them it may be a good idea. If any body has any valid info. please let me know. THANKS