Hello guys.I was doing a workout called Fierce 5 which is very acclaimed on the BB forums as one of the best beginner programs. It focuses on the compounds with some small isolation work and a good pull:push ratio.
I’ve been doing it for 9 months until I quit 2 weeks ago. I lost motivation to workout for several reasons. What happened was I first did 4 months of semi dirty bulking where I got pretty fat. Then I went on a caloric deficit for 5 months (and still on it), losing alot of strength in the process - and I was weak to begin with. I also added the PLP 60 day challenge about a month ago cause my pullup strength is atrocious… this was probably a bad idea and contributed to my feelings of weakness overall - I even got sick 2 weeks into the challenge which made me skip 2 gym workouts.
I’ve also have some lower back pain from deadlifting and squatting. I want to start some good stretching routines, the mobility might help me get the necessary flare to start doing those 2 exercises. I have to admit I don’t enjoy doing htem so much precisely because of the fear of injury or fucking up somehow, but I need them to achieve my goals.
These are my lifting stats, on the left were my PRs that I achieved during my bulk and on the right are the numbers I achieved last time i was in the gym:
Deadlift 5 x 125kg → 5 x 100 kg (maybe I could’ve done 105kg, but I was progressing slowly after a deload)
Squat 4 x 105kg → 5 x 85kg
Bench P 5 x 77.5kg → 5 x 67.5kg
Overhead P 4 x 52.5kg → 5 x 45kg
Pendlay Row 7 x 60kg → 7 x 57.5kg (couldn’t reach 8 reps)
Even with all this, I actually don’t look so bad except for my body type: as you will see in the pics, even after all this cutting (went from 95 kg to 83.5kg @ 185 cm height) I still have a fuckton of fat on my hips and lower abs.
If only I could lose that and preferrably reveal my abs, I’d be satisfied with how I look. More than satisfied I think. Then I could go on a long clean bulk. Thing is, I 've been eating about 1800 cals for the past month, but these last 2 weeks my weight seems to be stalling at 83.5kg. This coincides with me stopping with training. I still do the PLP challenge every day and do a certain sport on weekends, but that’s about it as far as physical activity.
Pics from 3 days ago:
Side: http://i.imgur.com/uy0e4tn.jpg?1
Front: http://i.imgur.com/vIyMfUb.jpg?1
Back: http://i.imgur.com/BwU7SBk.jpg?1
I want to reveal my abs, but if I cut down to 1600 calories, I’m gonna be starving. It is true my macronutrient composition isn’t the most ideal cause it’s mostly my mom that cooks (and I’m out of college and unemployed atm), but I always aim for high protein content in my diet. What do you guys suggest if I want to reveal my abs right now, preferrably without weight lifting? Is it doable?