Lori Bowen (-Rice)

For whatever reason, today I thought of Lori Bowen (-Rice). A blast from my mental files.

She won four tournaments in 1983-1984 (Women’s NPCs). Delivered a baby girl in 1985 then 6 months later competed in Ms Olympia. Then she disappeared from what I know.

In between she managed to score a Miller Light commercial.

I am conjecturing the women’s bodybuilding game was heading down a road she was not willing to travel. Rachel McLish was out by 1984.

She was a lovely woman.


Ya, Lenda Murray put an end to that, as did Dorian Yates for the Mr. Olympia. Except for woman’s physique and men’s classic physique, the sport has been perverted into an abomination of what Weider envisioned bodybuilding to be.

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