Looking Like a Fitness Model

[quote]jacktheman wrote:

Let’s say that I start with high volume and be able to recover adequately and manage to train like this and make good gains and etc. Then when the gains stop (I plateau) will the fact that I STARTED with too high volume will screw me over when I hit that plateau because from what I have read, increasing the volume is the main plateau-breaker and in my case adding more volume to already high volume will not be possible… Or I should train with the most volume I can handle despite it being pretty high and don’t worry about stuff like that ?


Ok now you’re overthinking this.

First, if you are a beginner you WILL NOT PLATEAU unless you are not eating enough. Either that or you have techinical issues with the more complex lifts.

Second, don’t add volume just for the sake of adding volume. You need to know how your body responds from your on-going results.

Chris is right. I think it would be best that you pick a routine from here

or do 5/3/1 before you start doing your own thing.