What are you hoping to accomplish besides dropping the BS as you said?
A few month ago switched to a full body routine 3 days a week and I am really loving it. Not a whole lot of “BS” but a lot of basics. IMO it is great. I’ve never trained full body before and I enjoy it a lot.
I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the routine that your laid out in your post but with a little tweaking you can come up with something similar that is a little more balanced.
[quote]gregron wrote:
What are you hoping to accomplish besides dropping the BS as you said?
A few month ago switched to a full body routine 3 days a week and I am really loving it. Not a whole lot of “BS” but a lot of basics. IMO it is great. I’ve never trained full body before and I enjoy it a lot.
I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the routine that your laid out in your post but with a little tweaking you can come up with something similar that is a little more balanced.[/quote]
I don’t understand the desire/need to super-set. Are you going for a super-short workout? Are you expecting to get some cardiovascular gain from it?
There isn’t necessarily anything inherently wrong with what you’d like to do, but I see it halting your gains a lot sooner than if you just did the exercises separately.
Also, depending on where you are in your experience, that may not be enough volume - there is a reason SS only lasts so long before you become an intermediate and something like Texas Method replaces it.
Finally, and as someone else said, what are your goals? Not “I want to get bigger and lean out.” That is a bullshit goal. And since we are getting rid of the bullshit, you need to be realistic. Quantify your goals and identify them. Otherwise, you won’t get anywhere notable due to lack of focus.
[quote]gregron wrote:
What are you hoping to accomplish besides dropping the BS as you said?
A few month ago switched to a full body routine 3 days a week and I am really loving it. Not a whole lot of “BS” but a lot of basics. IMO it is great. I’ve never trained full body before and I enjoy it a lot.
I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the routine that your laid out in your post but with a little tweaking you can come up with something similar that is a little more balanced.[/quote]
shit looking beastly bro.
miss seeing you post…[/quote]
Thanks Ryan.
Hopefully I can share a little bit of insight, get some tips and stay away from the negativity.
Get stronger. I’d like to have a good physique (good not amazing) but my main goal is stength, I’ll work on my physique as the years roll on, not too fussed about that
[quote]gregron wrote:
What are you hoping to accomplish besides dropping the BS as you said?
A few month ago switched to a full body routine 3 days a week and I am really loving it. Not a whole lot of “BS” but a lot of basics. IMO it is great. I’ve never trained full body before and I enjoy it a lot.
I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the routine that your laid out in your post but with a little tweaking you can come up with something similar that is a little more balanced.[/quote]
Thanks for the feedback, what tweaking would you advise? I tried out the workout just to see what it was like, it’s a bit difficult trying to push through all 6 of the movements in a decent time frame, but I find as long as I dont rest for too long I can be finished within an hour. The only problem is that with shortened rest intervals I find I am constantly gasping for air, I’m probably just unfit though…
[quote]gregron wrote:
What are you hoping to accomplish besides dropping the BS as you said?
A few month ago switched to a full body routine 3 days a week and I am really loving it. Not a whole lot of “BS” but a lot of basics. IMO it is great. I’ve never trained full body before and I enjoy it a lot.
I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the routine that your laid out in your post but with a little tweaking you can come up with something similar that is a little more balanced.[/quote]
Thanks for the feedback, what tweaking would you advise? I tried out the workout just to see what it was like, it’s a bit difficult trying to push through all 6 of the movements in a decent time frame, but I find as long as I dont rest for too long I can be finished within an hour. The only problem is that with shortened rest intervals I find I am constantly gasping for air, I’m probably just unfit though…[/quote]
The tweaking that I am talking about is changing up your exercise selection, sets and reps. You can still hit the same muscle groups but change up the movements to give yourself a little bit of variety and also to prevent imbalances.
By changing your sets and reps you’ll be able to work on some traditional “strength/power” (lower rep ranges) along with hypertrophy (higher rep ranges)
Again, this is just my opinion so take that with a grain of salt.
One thing that TBT showed me was that my cardio was lacking… Big time lol. It takes some getting used to but heavy deadlifts and bench in the same workout really take it out of you when you aren’t used it it. Don’t worry though… It gets easier
[quote]gregron wrote:
What are you hoping to accomplish besides dropping the BS as you said?
A few month ago switched to a full body routine 3 days a week and I am really loving it. Not a whole lot of “BS” but a lot of basics. IMO it is great. I’ve never trained full body before and I enjoy it a lot.
I wouldn’t necessarily recommend the routine that your laid out in your post but with a little tweaking you can come up with something similar that is a little more balanced.[/quote]
Thanks for the feedback, what tweaking would you advise? I tried out the workout just to see what it was like, it’s a bit difficult trying to push through all 6 of the movements in a decent time frame, but I find as long as I dont rest for too long I can be finished within an hour. The only problem is that with shortened rest intervals I find I am constantly gasping for air, I’m probably just unfit though…[/quote]
The tweaking that I am talking about is changing up your exercise selection, sets and reps. You can still hit the same muscle groups but change up the movements to give yourself a little bit of variety and also to prevent imbalances.
By changing your sets and reps you’ll be able to work on some traditional “strength/power” (lower rep ranges) along with hypertrophy (higher rep ranges)
Again, this is just my opinion so take that with a grain of salt.
One thing that TBT showed me was that my cardio was lacking… Big time lol. It takes some getting used to but heavy deadlifts and bench in the same workout really take it out of you when you aren’t used it it. Don’t worry though… It gets easier :)[/quote]
Okay I’ll definitely consider it! I definitely agree with TBT taking it all out of you, I can only get fitter from here though. Thanks a bunch for your help!
Just as some sort of example here is my basic outline:
Monday: 4 x 8-10 - MEDIUM DAY
DB Incline
Pull Up
DB Press
BB Curl
Ab Roller
Wednesday: 5x5 - HEAVY DAY
Deadlift -these top two sets are usually x3
Bent Over Row
BB Bench
Push Press
Triceps Push Down
Hammer Curls
Friday: 3x12-15 - LIGHT DAY
Chin Ups
Lateral Raise
Calf Raise
Rear Delts
Hanging Leg Raise
as you can see I’m pretty much hitting everything every day but have some smaller “detail” work in their cause my goals are 60/40 performance/physique oriented. The movements are also not set in stone. Medium Day Squat could be back squat for a couple weeks and then front squat for a couple, triceps push down could be skull crushers, bent over row could be chest supported row… You get the picture.
This set up has worked nicely for me so far and those slight changes in the daily exercise selection have prevented (so far) things from becoming monotonous.
[quote]ChristNhero wrote:
Thinking of dropping the bullshit and sticking to the basics.
Squats suppersetted with Pull-Overs OR Pull-Ups, 3 x 5 on squats and 3 x 10 on pulls.
Push-Press suppersetted with SL Deads, 3 x 5 for both
Horizantal Press supersetted with a horizontal pull / Row variation, 3 sets each.
This exact workout to be performed 3 times per week.
What do you guys think? Should I try it out? Any feedback would be great, Cheers.[/quote]
I’m with the other posters on this one. Couple of thoughts/questions:
1.) Do you only want to train 3 days a week?
2.) If your main goal is strength why is the lowest # of reps 5? 5 is certainly in the strength ball park, but a lot of very strong guys/gals are working in the 1-4 range as well. 3 X 10 on pull-ups isn’t going to make you stronger (maybe at first depending on your training level) and I really doubt SL Deads will either.
3.) If your main goal is strength why are you supersetting everything?
4.) I hate to use this tired expression, but I don’t think you’re getting enough “bang for you buck.”
If I were you I would
A.) Pick an established 3 day routine provin to increase strength or,
B.) Pick a single exercise per training day (so maybe Squat, Bench, Deads) & work this exercise for 1-5 reps with adeqate rest (rotate reps betweem the 3 and each week) and then build accessory lifts around the days exercise (So do the SL Deads of deadlift day for example), or
C.) Do the same as B, but use 2 exercises (1 upper 1 lower for ex.) and build accessories around both.