I�??m wondering if I can get some critique on my workout. I�??m probably beginner-intermediate as far as experience. I�??ve broken it out into push/pull/legs and all exercises are 3 sets of 10 reps.
Push Days (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)
Bench Press
Military Press
Bent over Lat raises (Dumbell)
Tricep Pressdown
Weighted Dips
Pull Days (Back/Biceps/ABS/Traps)
Lat Pulldown
Seated Crunches
Hanging Leg Raises
Seated Rows
Preacher Curl
Upright Rows
Reverse Grip Curls
Leg Days (Quad/Hamstring/calf)
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Hamstring Curls
Leg Extensions
My workout days are
Sun �?? Pull
Mon �?? Legs
Tues �?? Push
Wed �??Pull
Thursday �??Rest
Fri �?? Rest
Sat - Push
I�??m looking to pack muscle on so please, give it to me honestly so I can make sure I get it right.
You need deadlifts on your pull or leg days. Also, you might want to move your squats to the front of your leg days instead of having them in the middle. Also, a lot of people, myself included, have seen better gains in strength and back development from chin/pull-up then from Lat Pulldowns. Try doing both, and see if one feels like it’s harder then the other, then do the hard one.
[quote]ninjaboy wrote:
You need deadlifts on your pull or leg days. Also, you might want to move your squats to the front of your leg days instead of having them in the middle. Also, a lot of people, myself included, have seen better gains in strength and back development from chin/pull-up then from Lat Pulldowns. Try doing both, and see if one feels like it’s harder then the other, then do the hard one.[/quote]
Hey, thanks for the reply. I’ll add in deadlifts; never thought of them before. Also makes sense to move squats to the front, I’ll switch that around. I’ll try the chin/up pull up on the next routine to see how it feels, I always thought of them more as a toning excercise than muscle development; goes to show how much I really know. I guess I’m probably more of a beginner than beginner/intermediate.
Scrawny Guy
[quote]Scrawny_guy wrote:
I’ll try the chin/up pull up on the next routine to see how it feels, I always thought of them more as a toning excercise than muscle development[/quote]
No such thing as a toning exercise. But if you do find that bodyweight chins are to easy, add weight by using a dip belt or holding a plate between your feet.
Does the rest of the workout look ok as far as excercises, frequency, etc. I’ve changed it based on the helpful suggestions.
Push Days (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)
Bench Press
Military Press
Bent over Lat raises (Dumbell)
Tricep Pressdown
Weighted Dips
Pull Days (Back/Biceps/ABS/Traps)
Chin Up (Weighted)
Seated Crunches
Hanging Leg Raises
Seated Rows
Preacher Curl
Upright Rows
Reverse Grip Curls
Lat Pull Down
Leg Days (Quad/Hamstring/calf)
Leg Press
Calf Raises
Hamstring Curls
Leg Extensions
My workout days are
Sun - Pull
Mon - Legs
Tues - Push
Wed - Pull
Thursday - Rest
Fri - Rest
Sat - Push