For context, I injured my back earlier this summer and after some PT, can do squats, but deadlifts aggravate my back a bit too much. Even trap bar deadlifts didn’t feel the most comfortable, so I’m just going to avoid doing deadlifts for the short term. I’ve done 5/3/1 in the past and liked it because I saw good gains and it laid out all my progression for me. I kind of lost all of those gains though over the summer, since I focused on cardio and sports.
I however don’t know of many other programs and came across the main ones, Starting Strength and Stronglifts, but am hesitant to do them because of the deadlifts on both days.
I’m looking for any program that does an A/B split, preferably full body workout. Would SS or Stronglifts be a decent program without the deadlifts? What would you substitute in for deadlifts in a workout regimen?
If you do not compete, every lift is optional. You can do just fine without doing any deadlifts. I generally prefer my own programs to prefabs. But I am a big fan of the “push-pull-legs” splits.
You could try something like this, switching out RDLs for hack squats or lunges or cardio or whatever.
Some more ideas here, subbing for DLs. Rowing and pull-ups have some of the benefits if you can do those.
Or, for a good but more basic discussion, this gives some detail about pushing and pulling exercises, some special advanced techniques^ and the like, geared towards natural lifters. Has a good program too. Just substitute whatever row for the RDL on the first day.
^ rest-pause, slow holds for mTor, drop sets; you might find these effective even if the physiology is more involved
You were probably hoping I would flog this dead thread yet again…. But this excellent Paul Carter article is what I was looking for the first time round.
These routines don’t have many DLs but again it is easy to substitute any pulling or leg exercise. Rowing or pull-ups might be best.