Only thing I would do different is start legs with leg curls/extensions to get the knees warmed up and everything firing before going to heavy movements.
Agree with @s.gentz. I might end do the same on chest day and out the DB incline first if your shoulders start hurting.
For me, I couldn’t handle all this twice in a week (anymore, anyway). So I’d just keep an eye on how you’re doing. If you start feeling like you’d hit more weight on a given exercise if you were more rested, just add rest days. I find two days in a row is about the most that I can be effective and feel good.
I am not really stuck on a program right now but thinking about hopping back on one and am echoing your thoughts about being able to “handle all this.” I am thinking about doing a 6 day a week program but stretching it to a 10 or 12 day “week.” That being said, the “Competitive Bodybuilding” tag on this certainly doesn’t apply to me.
I love it. 8-9 day “weeks” were the key to me on the last program I ran all the way through. I felt good pretty much the whole way, and it gave me room to account for life.
I think it helps to know where we’re at. If we are prone to overdo it, because we really love to train or the results, we have to give ourselves permission to back off. A brand new beginner just getting to the gym needs to build those habits first.
I was doing PPLPP then off the weekend or maybe a quad or ham day if I felt i needed it.
I would def keep incline press in. I think OP puts too much strain on the shoulders. For shoulders I like to to
side lateral x 10/ “Y” side lateral x 10 /font raise x 10 for one set x 3-4 times. You your doing 30 reps x 3 sets.
If it’s still working for you, you don’t necessarily need to stretch days out yet. I used to do fine with more frequency than I like now. What you describe is fine, but I wouldn’t go straight to that. If you’re doing 3 on, 1 off, and find you don’t like it, you could do weekends off as @s.gentz suggests (gives you an extra day). From there you could go 2 on, 1 off, etc.
I also agree with him on incline. I think it’s a fantastic movement for both chest and shoulders and I personally don’t like OHP. I found doing a lot of rear delts made my shoulders look better than anything else. Not face pulls or that stuff, though; flye movements. I preferred the machine.
Give yourself rest before and after legs. Your set-up is too much in my opinion unless you are training low intensity, which I think is less than ideal for hypertrophy.
That is a lot of volume for a muscle every 4 days.
You could also have a push1/2 pull1/2 legs1/2
This is what i did to add in more variety
I would do legs 2 on the second week. Doing this I felt i could go really hard on the leg days
This was my SS for that split. There was a phase 1/2. Phase 1 was 10 weeks and phase 2 was 4 weeks and then i moved to a diet phase so i rewrote the plan. This was good volume and I got great results.