Lookin for Advice from the Pros

[quote]tg2hbk4488 wrote:
look like Arnold in 2 years hahaha good one hahaha. We were saying to strive to look like him instead of Carrot Top, cause well…its Carrot Top!

A good one year goal for a beginner is gain 12 lbs of LEAN MASS while keeping bodyfat around 10%bf (meaning that you maintain your current bodyfat and don’t have to drop a ton of fat to begin with), also set some REAL ATTAINABLE strength goals…I know you want to be a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter, but you still need to be decently strong and continue to go up in strenght to put on mass. Aim for goals like improve BP by 50lbs (you wont have a 50" chest with 150lbs max), 315 squat (full), or do BW +10lb pull ups. These are all attainable within a year or prob even 6 mths, and they will help towards your goal of 10lbs in a year.

Eat well, train hard, supplement smart, Get plenty of rest, and do tons of research, Stay focused and you will do fine![/quote]

hahah thanks for the support. and for the record I dont plan to look like arnold in 2 years. I plan to look like carrot top… and a few years after that look like arnold… carrot top is my stepping stone on my path the shreddedness(made up word)

http://www.T-Nation.com/readArticle.do?id=2082217 <my program
http://www.T-Nation.com/readArticle.do?id=460331 < my diet

hahah. with those you will do fine.

it just so easy to poke fun at Carrot Top. I once saw the Fit Show with him on and I spit my PWO shake on my keyboard with laughter…just sayin…

Best of luck kid!

I personally give him props. He can look and act like a freak, be jacked(which helps to scare young children). dye his hair orange. and yet he is his own person, it takes a lot of guts to go into the world and say “hey im a freak and im here to stay”

hey man…if you like Carrot Top, then more power to you, I think he has shitty comedy and is joke and a desperate grab for attention to try to be on a fitness program…that my two cents