Lonnie's Log: The Dan John Experiments (And Beyond)

Naw, I workout too late to use it in the neighborhood so I had to get rid of it. I tried a while back and got noise complaints

Ah yeah, I have to take mine out to a parking lot

I’ve seen videos of @simo74 using a tire. I’d assume that’s quite a bit quieter.


Deff quieter, does still make a bit of noise but not enough to bother people in their houses.


Both my kids will be in grade school this August so perhaps I can add a session of that kind of stuff during daylight hours when that happens.

Secondarily I looked up some “How to KB clean” videos and boy was I doing them wrong. My wrists were both getting beat up on my first session so I figured something was up, and I need to work on my “twist around the arm” motion, and the finishing position instead of just doing them like a BB clean. Should make next session much easier to recover from


Really amazing how quick the body adapts.

Did 50% more reps this week , felt fine during the workout itself, and woke up the next day barely noticing it. Tomorrow may be a different story but so far I am feeling like I won’t be a cripple haha


I think you live somewhere with snow, so if nothing else, I also like pulling the kiddo in a sled for a sled workout, haha.

Good to hear you made that discovering on the cleans! I’ve had similar revelations with KB work. It can seem deceptively simple.

Okay the first 2 weeks are in the books, as they say

Basically dialing in the form, and upping the volume heading into the “real” workout of the next 4 weeks

The last 2 weeks were done with double 35lb bells, and each workout was

A - Easy Strength style Deadlift x 3 /pullup x 3 /ab wheel x 8 / pushups x 10 (Very easy, nowhere near failure or even a struggle, just getting the rep and technique work in)

B - KB Overhead press. 3 sets of 2/3/5/10 ladders. Usually did the 2/3/5 in succession with the bells resting on my shoulders for a 5 count before continuing, and then put the bells down to rest before doing the set of 10

C - The ABC complex. Starting week 1 doing a set of 10
 And believe it or not I only stopped because I could feel the sensation I always get in my groin before I pull it, so I stopped here and lived to lift another day.

Since then I have done it for sets of 15,20,24,27 and finally 30. It was just that one first workout that came after a week off. I figured the relatively light weight would make it easy to do but even that my legs didnt like the amount of reps coming from a week off
 But I ramped up nicely.

So for the next 4 weeks Im going to attempt to move up to the double 50lb’ers and see how it goes. I dont really have much “fear” about completing the 30 rounds of the ABC in a month, but the overhead press days may be more limiting
 Maybe I’ll do the 2/3/5 with the 50’s and drop to the 35’s for the set of 10??

I did throw in a few sets with the 50’s on the ABC on my final set of 30 this week and wow they are MUCH heavier than the 35’s during the front squat especially
 I’ll play it by ear and see how it goes

Also as the first 2 weeks have both the press and the ABC in them, whereas the next 4 weeks do not, I will be adding a new C section of loaded carries.

So the workout structure will be

A - Easy Strength “warm up”
B - ABC / OHP work alternating workout to workout
C - Loaded carry of some kind


2 weeks in the books

The upgrade to 50 lb bells has been quite humbling. As I ratchet up the sets of the ABC into the 20s my low back is certainly feeling it by the end

I had to add I an extra minute of rest on the EMOM this last week to stop it from screaming around set 16 or so

Good sign that I’m at a good effort level though


Armor Building Formula is in the books, here are some thoughts:

The Armor Building Formula is a good as a baseline “fitness program” or maybe even to run along side an athletic program (Play football + do the ABC program for example) but I wouldnt call it a complete “bodybuilding” program, nor do I think would Dan John

Its a good program to run if you wanted to look good/move good/feel good (which is no small thing and probably what many are after), but not the one to run if you wanted to move into the upper realms of the generally fit public (aka a non pro athlete).

The primary gaping holes I see are no horizontal press/pull work and no “heavy and hard” leg work
 Especially for the legs, The KBs are cute but I just dont know how complete a workout you get doing a bunch of sets of 3 @ ~100 pounds, even if you do a lot of them. The shoulder days are probably damn near all you need for vertical pressing though so thats good

Now that I have run a series of Dan John programs I would say that it is very
 Dan John haha. It was simple on paper but tough at times towards the end, builds to a good finale and when its over it feels over.

It lasts for 6 weeks which feels about right and now that its over Im ready to move on (compared to something like 5/3/1 which you could run slight variations of for years). It accomplishes its goal but might require a bit of a addition to be complete.

Up Next
 Some variation of Jamie Lewis’ Feast Famine and Ferocity diet and training program


Heres the after shot after the ABC, hoping theres some shoulder growth visible compared to my previous shots, but with the post-dieting weight gain maybe its a little blurred, tough to see on myself


I cant imagine many people are checking in given my lack of updates, but I am currently doing the Feast, Famine, Ferocity plan and its going well.

I have a wedding to be in the party for late september so I’ve decided to extend the Feast phase to 6 weeks and the Famine phase to 3 weeks to coincide with that, pics and a write up forthcoming some time around then. Suffice to say for now I like the Feast workouts a lot so far


waiting patiently :laughing:


Ha, appreciate it. I do miss the days I had more time to hang around here but thats just not my life any more. Not to mention I just dont have a lot to say workout-to-workout but I do like to evaluate longer periods of time and methods and see the results


Little update. I think I found a better spot to take my photos so I think this will be my standard moving forward

Kinda interesting
 Arms look a little leaner in the left but abs better on the right?? Probably up 5 ish pounds I would say

I am 6 weeks into the Feast Famine Ferocity plan (which is essentially surplus calorie eating and heavier training, alternated with short periods of heavy deficit eating and higher rep work) and this is the end of the first Feast period which I extended a bit to accommodate a wedding I wanted to diet into so I fit the pants for sure I got measured for haha

Will update in a few weeks after the first full “cycle” but as a general idea I do like it


Can’t believe I missed you doing FFF, but great to see you back at it dude!

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Well you probably missed it because I havent been great at keeping up with the weekly logging, but rest assured I am still in there getting the training in

Not sure if you keep up with the show Jamie and Shawn do over at CarvedOuttaStone on youtube but Ive been incorporating some of those ideas into the training as well (the “old school” stuff he has been chatting about)