This post got WAY longer than I thought, but maybe some will find it interesting.
tl:dr - Going to try Waterbury style High Frequency Training blocks to spur some new growth. Will train a particular muscle up to 8-10 times per week using his methods to see if it works (2 times directly, 2 indirect, and 6 isolation sessions per week).
Example: 2 direct shoulder pressing sessions, 2 sessions with a bench and a row (indirect front and rear delt work), then 6 added medial delt HFT sessions from his books.
The Background
Going to try something out here, maybe a few others will want to hop on board or just observe. Either way hopefully we can all learn from my experiment here… Win, Lose, or Draw
Long story short, I’ve been an avid “Body Builder” for about 10-12 years now and quite honestly can say that I’ve tried nearly EVERYTHING under the sun in the pursuit of being a big, strong sum’bitch. A non-exhaustive list:
-High Volume, low frequency (HST100, Mountain Dog, other standard BB stuff)
-Lowish Volume, Low-Med Frequency, High Intensity (Yates Routine, Max OT, Dogg Crap)
-Moderate Volume and Frequency (Starting Strength, Strong Lifts, Bill Star, 5/3/1 BBB)
Maybe it’s “program hopping,” but I generally have given these programs all 6-12 months at a time, much longer for some of them (did Max-OT for YEARS for example, did 5/3/1 for a nearly a year twice)
I have two logs on here, my latest being here if anyone cares to see’s the full log of my weekly workouts (It links to my prior Contest Prep log as well):
The Plan
- This particular thread will be a bit different than my main log. I will not post here daily as I have my main log for that, but I will pop back in every 4-8 weeks to update everyone as to how this works out… Or doesn’t work out.
As mentioned above, even having tried EVERYTHING I quite honestly don’t think I am all that impressive… I consider my build respectable, maybe even above average when I’m really lean, but certainly not the physique I thought I’d have 10 years ago
Enter Waterbury. I have always been very, very intrigued with his ideas, but honestly have been afraid to try them because they are quite unorthodox. I was afraid I would lose THE GAINZ! However, my recent foray into his style of full body training has lead to some recent success, So I’m inclined to think maybe he is right about his other methods as well.
For the first 4 weeks I will use the method in his HFT1 book, rest a week, then use another 4 week block with the methods in his HFT2 book for the same muscle group. Basically focusing on bringing up one muscle for 2 months at a time.
After the delts I will do the Arms, the chest, and the back work he has outlined. If it all works I should have a significantly beefier upper body in about a years time, and will then test run his legs stuff. This could be a LONG ride, folks.
Will finally settle once and for all, for myself at least, if Waterbury is a hack or not
So thats pretty much it. If anyone else wants to join in at any point in this experiment let me know. I would prefer you work the same muscles at the same time as me so we can update everyone at the same time. I’m starting with delts for the next 2 months, beginning today 3-16
See you all in about 2 months with some hopefully added mass on my delts. I Will post both pics and measurements every 8-9 weeks, because I HATE it when people don’t do that.