Hey CT,
I am looking to add loaded carries to my training. Trap Bar Carries and Suitcase Carries to be specific. What are good parameters to follow when doing carries? Should I set a time limit, focus on a certain number of sets, or really just play it by ear?
It depends on your goal. I use a lot of different loaded carries:
- Dead-Squat walks
- Overhead walks (holding a loaded barbell overhead like a finished snatch or press and walking)
- Yoke walks (holding a bar on your shoulders like in a squat and walking)
- Plate farmer’s walk (either holding the plate like a pinch grip or with your fingers through the hole)
- Bear hug carries (holding a plate or more on your chest and walking)
There are more obviously, but these are the ones that I use.
I personally feel that the most benefits are gotten from longer total distances. From experience you get the most benefits when the total walking distance over the workout is in the 500-600m range. Work that out the way you want, as long as over the session you cover that. I like either 100m walks or 200m walks. Sure it’s more fun to go super heavy over 30-50m, but I really notice a difference in hypertrophy and body comp with longer carries.
Sounds great Coach! Thank you very much
CT i just want to ask something about what you said, if i may;
with regards to extending the set by walking longer distances, what would be the best way to do this in a small space?
-my walking space is about 20-25m. would it be best to walk one length, then walk backwards to the start? i know most people would think the obvious solution is to turn around and walk back, but i find this is actually quite taxing when you’re carrying heavy loads.
second question; what would be your stance on doing a loaded carry one length, resting the bar, sprint back to the start, then sprint back to the bar, then repeat for time?
many thanks in advance
[quote]lboro21 wrote:
CT i just want to ask something about what you said, if i may;
with regards to extending the set by walking longer distances, what would be the best way to do this in a small space?
-my walking space is about 20-25m. would it be best to walk one length, then walk backwards to the start? i know most people would think the obvious solution is to turn around and walk back, but i find this is actually quite taxing when you’re carrying heavy loads.
second question; what would be your stance on doing a loaded carry one length, resting the bar, sprint back to the start, then sprint back to the bar, then repeat for time?
many thanks in advance[/quote]
Ideally you would lower the weight back down, turn around, pick it back up and walk the other way. I do not like walking backwards.
The carry plus sprint is decent for a metcon workout. But the problem when you only have a short distance is that you can’t really sprint. If you have 20m, it would take you at least 5m to safely slow down and stop, if not a bit more. So that basically leaves you 15m to accelerate. Top speed is reached at about 50-60m. So the 15m doesn’t do much except work your starts. But it can keep the heart rate elevated which is good for metcon.
ah ok, thanks CT!
so for hypertrophy i should focus on maybe 4 lengths, working up to say 6 lengths, lowering the weight to turn around each length.
thanks for your advice as always,