My gym has no specific equipment for loaded carries, heaviest dumbbells are 80lbs (36kg).
Right now I’m doing them twice a week, as finishers after the workouts.
Once overhead carry (on press day), I pick a 44 pounds plate and carry it overhead for 1 minute, then rest 1 minute, and repeat for a total of 3 times.
The other (squat day usually), I do suitcase carries. I pick a dumbbell about 50lbs and simply walk as much as I can for each side, rest 1-2 minutes and repeat for a total of 3 times.
Wanted to add the farmer walks on another day, but (if grip allows) I’d be limited to 160lbs total and I weigh 170lbs. What distance should I shoot for to make them effective? Consider that after the workout, grip might be a very limiting factor on these. I don’t think I could go, say, one full minute.
What other kind of carries do you know that can be performed without specific equipment?
I thought about walking with a barbell in the front rack position but no clue about how much weight and what distance should I shoot for - 50% front squat’s 1RM?
Zerchers are out of question