[quote]G87 wrote:
[quote]WestCoast7 wrote:
[quote]optheta wrote:
it taxes your heart[/quote]
This is a misguided statement. Those that exercise vigorously do experience a higher heart rate during their time of activity, however, their resting heart rate is much lower when compared to the sedentary person. By exercising, you are strengthening your heart, thus it will have to work less to circulate blood, allowing it to function for a longer period of time.[/quote]
I would love to hear more about this. This is what my gf has been telling me about; how working your heart hard in the gym will wear it out, reducing your lifespan. It makes sense; HIIT definitely doesn’t FEEL healthy, good as it is for my BF% :)))
[quote]angry chicken wrote:
I’m kinda fucking with you, OP so don’t get bent outta shape - you’re 22: you still have to live a little, bro. Odds are by the time you get to be my age, they’ll have found a cure for aging and you will have “wasted” all the potential good times. I would not want to be around when you had THAT mid life crisis! LOL[/quote]
That might be true, too :).
[quote]anonym wrote:
If, at 22 years of age, you are already in the process of trashing your joints, you need to start listening to your body more because you’re doing something terribly wrong.
What is it that you do that makes you so concerned about your heart/nervous system, and how do you plan on working your muscles hard while placing less stress on your system?
Is your MD gf telling you that lifting is bad for your ticker, or something?[/quote]
I’m not trashing my joints, but I feel the strain heavy benching puts on my elbows, etc.
I’m not concerned about my nervous system. I’m just concerned about wearing my heart out.
Yeah, she’s basically telling me that that kind of extreme stress on your body (& heart) is really unhealthy.[/quote]
How do you need to hear more about it? A stronger heart is more efficient, thus allowing it to use fewer beats to circulate blood through your body. A heart that uses fewer beats lasts longer, simply stated. Of course the human body has many other contributing factors, but this logic surrounding the heart has been scientifically proven, if you want to read more than I suggest doing a PubMed search.
Also, I suggest going out and doing your own research and learning, in every facet of life. Simply taking what others say as truth or law will get you in trouble.