extended lifespan

Holy hormesis!

Just a a quick announcement to you connoisseurs of primary literature…

Have you seen the August article in Nature re: actual INCREASES IN LIFESPAN in experimetal models with resveratrol (in raspberries, peanuts, etc.)?

Effects seem to be independent of the typical antioxidant properties (they also activate sirtuins).

If only I had access to this info. when writing High Steaks! (At least I mentioned the compound, eh?) Even life-extensionists have great difficulty restricting kcal dramatically enough to significantly activate such pathways and add years to their existence.

I’m sure tons of age-reversal hype is about to pour from supplement companies (Ugh.) but I’m still interested to see the effects of those upcoming rat (and human) studies…

Peanuts, anyone?


So, you mean that if people just ate healthy foods, it would help them in the long run?

Hmmmm…interesting. Must be a new concept for some.

Just imagine what HASN’T been discovered yet.

That’s why I always say eat lots of different foods. Eat organ meats, eat different meats, eat all the fruits and veggies you can try. Just eat lots of different real food.

Science only discovers what nature already knows.

I didn’t realize that PEANUTS were high in resveratrol - knew about the berries - thanks for the info Lon man…I can see the infomercials now, the raspberry/peanut diet, now in easy to take capsule form…now with SOY!

Just curious Lonnie - when you mentioned: “Even life-extensionists have great difficulty restricting kcal dramatically enough to significantly activate such pathways and add years to their existence.”

Were you referring to the activation sirtuins? Plus, how does restricted Kcal intake affect the efficacy of antioxidants - Is it simply because less free radical/oxidation is created by the lower intake? I would imagine that antioxidants would have the same effect irregardless of Kcal intake, other than that. Thanks, this is an interesting topic!

What is resveratrol? This sounds very interesting.


I always imagined that restricting calories would slow the metabolism down, which means slowed tissue turnover rates. Supposedly DNA just starts going bad, and the more times it’s copied, the worse it gets. So slowing down tissue turnover rates (DNA copying) by restricting caloric intake seem like it might be related to longevity. This is just me thinking out loud, BTW :slight_smile:

Thank you for the interesting info. Also, your article about dealing with insulin was very valuable as well. I read about resveratrol some years ago, actually with reference to red wine. Can’t remember the specifics but grapes may have r in them too (?).
I guess ageing is inexorable due to the telomeres being reduced ever so slightly over time. Well, I need to supplant my blackberries with raspberries in my morning shake!

Scipio Africanus

Sweet handle, o’ pillager of Carthage.

NeilG - I think you’re right on the money there!

Lonnie - By the way - I second Scipio’s comments regarding your articles on insulin sensitivity, especially your points regarding the TIMING of carbs, and your personal approach to diet - very helpful and absolutely applicable, it’s helped me lean out considerably, JUST by changing my macronutrient timing. Thanks!

Just think about how the cave-men ate. Those guys were ripped. They ate meat, fruits, vegtables, and grains. All natural shit. nuff said.

Neil it has to do with your telemers(sp) on the ends of your DNA. Lets say a cell starts with 50 telemers. Well when it divides into 2 cells they both have 49 and when those divide all four have 48. So you can see your life just ticking away. Mutherfucker! :wink:

Ike: Yeah old Skip beat Hannibal. :wink:

Bobo: How do we know cavemen were ripped? Explain. Thanks. :wink:

Ciao. :slight_smile:

" Even life-extensionists have great difficulty restricting kcal dramatically enough to significantly activate such pathways and add years to their existence. "

Lonnie, I for one, would be extremely grateful if you elaborated on this or wrote some more about this…or linked to more info about this. :slight_smile:


I have done some looking up on this recently and one big question I have is; The studies say that red wine is the best source for resveratol, because it comes from the skin of grapes and the skins soak longer in red than white wine. They also mention that it might be counter productive to consume large amounts of red whine due to the negative effect of alcohol. Well being halfway intelligent it occured to me that you could bypass the wine alltogether and just eat grapes with the skin on them? No? unless I missed something in the research papers about fermentation activating it or something. I would think grapes would be the ideal place to consume resveratol and no nasty side effects, (like being drunk is a bad thing). Any comments?

“Is it secret? Is it safe?”


Now I don’t feel so bad for ignoring JB’s advice not to peanuts!

(one of the few things you’ve said that I’ve ignored, JB!) :slight_smile: