Limited Equipment

Well my problem is that I only have a bench (incline/flat) currently. I am thinking of sticking with the basics. Deadlifts, Bench, Barbell Rows, Military Presses, Barbell Curls and Skull Crushers, I think I might use these exercises and follow TBT set/rep scheme. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

My setup is similar, except instead of a bench, I have a power rack. I’ve found I don’t really need much more. Sure, some dumbells would be nice, but the plates are a decent sub.

I like it though because all I do are compound excercises anyway. For variety, make sure you change the sets/reps/rest-times every now and then. Also, I’m sure if you put your mind to it you could be very resourceful.

You can prolly vary the stance and grip as well i guess. tht should be more than sufficient variation. I work at a gym tht doesnt want to buy a squat rack instead of the crappy smith machine due to ‘budget’ issues…
so my quad workouts has been pretty much the hack squat, front squat (at weight which i can power clean) and dumbbell variations.

[quote]husayndas wrote:
My setup is similar, except instead of a bench, I have a power rack. I’ve found I don’t really need much more. Sure, some dumbells would be nice, but the plates are a decent sub.

I like it though because all I do are compound excercises anyway. For variety, make sure you change the sets/reps/rest-times every now and then. Also, I’m sure if you put your mind to it you could be very resourceful.[/quote]

So what routine are you currently using? Thanks for the help

[quote]musclebuilding wrote:
So what routine are you currently using? Thanks for the help

Currently I work out 3xWeek:

Max Strength Deadlifts (1 set of low reps after a good warmup)
Bent Rows*
Leg Drops

Pushups supersetted with chinups*
Pushpress supersetted with bent rows (different grip and/or set/reps than monday, for variety)*
Leg Drops

Practicing cleans
Dynamic effort squats
any accessory excercise I feel like doing
Leg drops

*With these excercises I cycle between 3x8, 5x5, and 10x3

I’m only doing 3xWk because I’m just starting out after a long off period from weightlifting (was on a crew team, then I got mono), but I plan on upping it to 4xWk pretty soon.

Anyway, good excercises you can do with just a power rack, barbell, and a bench are squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench press, pushpress, bent rows, and if you have a chinning bar, chins or pullups too. There are hundreds of variations on these excerices which you’ll find all over T-Nation and websites like