hey whats up guys. ok pretty much im just a guy that wants a change from your typical college meal plan. when i was back home with money i had a pretty decent meal plan (although i never followed it to a t). now though since im at college im pretty lost with the whole meal plan thing.
i wanted to lean out a little bit and i have like 35 dollars a week for food (yeah i know thats not that much at all) heres what i had an idea of doing
meal 1-6 eggs fruits, oats
meal 2-3 pb sandwiches
meal 3-2 cans of tuna (or alterate with meal 2)
meal 4- (need ideas for this )
meal 5- i mostly just eat anything, i need an idea for this meal, its usually around night time like 6 or 7
meal 6- need ideas for this also
i have a job off campus so money isnt that big of an issue (when i stick to my budget). the only thing i really get from the school these days are an abundance of fruits so i dont have to buy those
[quote]240lbs40vert wrote:
hey whats up guys. ok pretty much im just a guy that wants a change from your typical college meal plan. when i was back home with money i had a pretty decent meal plan (although i never followed it to a t). now though since im at college im pretty lost with the whole meal plan thing. i wanted to lean out a little bit and i have like 35 dollars a week for food (yeah i know thats not that much at all) heres what i had an idea of doing
meal 1-6 eggs fruits, oats
meal 2-3 pb sandwiches
meal 3-2 cans of tuna (or alterate with meal 2)
meal 4- (need ideas for this )
meal 5- i mostly just eat anything, i need an idea for this meal, its usually around night time like 6 or 7
meal 6- need ideas for this also
any help would be greatly appreciated[/quote]
240/40… post some of the things that are available to you at your college meal plan on a daily basis. there should be some things that you can grab from the cafeteria that you can focus towards your goals.
like the prev poster suggested… you might want to take that 35 and invest in a big tub of whey protein. protein shake mid-day and another one before you hit the sack gets two meals out of the way.
35 bucks sounds short for a week but it’s not the end of the world. if you can take that 140 for the month and hit the supermarket you can defintely get everything you need.
For your night time meal, Natty PB & Cottage Cheese is a popular option I think. I usually alternate between that and Low Carb Metabolic Drive. Dinner could be rice, veggies, and chicken…that’s a pretty inexpensive option.
[quote]j.crumbs77 wrote:
240lbs40vert wrote:
hey whats up guys. ok pretty much im just a guy that wants a change from your typical college meal plan. when i was back home with money i had a pretty decent meal plan (although i never followed it to a t). now though since im at college im pretty lost with the whole meal plan thing. i wanted to lean out a little bit and i have like 35 dollars a week for food (yeah i know thats not that much at all) heres what i had an idea of doing
meal 1-6 eggs fruits, oats
meal 2-3 pb sandwiches
meal 3-2 cans of tuna (or alterate with meal 2)
meal 4- (need ideas for this )
meal 5- i mostly just eat anything, i need an idea for this meal, its usually around night time like 6 or 7
meal 6- need ideas for this also
any help would be greatly appreciated
240/40… post some of the things that are available to you at your college meal plan on a daily basis. there should be some things that you can grab from the cafeteria that you can focus towards your goals.
like the prev poster suggested… you might want to take that 35 and invest in a big tub of whey protein. protein shake mid-day and another one before you hit the sack gets two meals out of the way.
35 bucks sounds short for a week but it’s not the end of the world. if you can take that 140 for the month and hit the supermarket you can defintely get everything you need.[/quote]
well i mean i dont really want to get protein because that would be pretty much it for the money i have for the week.
but i could get sandwiches and fruits from my union. thats the most i can really take out
Well I’m also short of money, but that doesn’t stop me, eggs are an excellent and cheap protein source, I’ll insist on getting some bulk whey, also if you are triying to cut I would be careful with fruit, their carbs can add up pretty fast
I usually make chili and it’ll last me about a week. Just get a pound of ground meat, can of beans, rotel, and some veggies like onions and peppers, spice it up and enjoy. You can get all of this for well under 10 bucks and its a healthy high protein good carb meal. Cheap, tasty, healthy and easy. PM if you want an easy recipe I made up.
Do what your grandmother does, start actually using coupons.
It may sound stupid, but you can really save an ASSLOAD of money. Right now i’ve got a couple of coupons that can give me a dozen eggs for somewhere near a dollar.
Always buy meat on sale, and if your not buying meats on sale, buy them early monday morning (Like 8 am early). That’s generally when they get rid of the meat the didn’t sell the previous week, so you can get stuff up to 1/3 the cost of regular.
Also never buy individually packaged ANYTHING, it’s either not good for you, or very expensive.
If you need more advice or help, ask me here or PM
suppose your a transfer student who got assigned meal plan and a dorm? and you are an in season athlete on the travel team who has little to no time to work, (and no scholarship) does this change the advice at all?
[quote]J-mack wrote:
suppose your a transfer student who got assigned meal plan and a dorm? and you are an in season athlete on the travel team who has little to no time to work, (and no scholarship) does this change the advice at all?[/quote]
you joined in September to bump a year old thread in October, offering stupid advice applicable to maybe 1 person in 100,000? Way to go class of 2010!
Well it appears that he’s asking his own follow up question to his specific situation instead of making the 1000th new thread on this topic.
If you’ve got no extra money to spend on food you just have to make due with your meal plan. Eat large meals each time or try and find a way to sneak out some food(ziplock bags or tupperware) to reheat in your dorm later to split it up a bit.
[quote]Scott M wrote:
Well it appears that he’s asking his own follow up question to his specific situation instead of making the 1000th new thread on this topic.
If you’ve got no extra money to spend on food you just have to make due with your meal plan. Eat large meals each time or try and find a way to sneak out some food(ziplock bags or tupperware) to reheat in your dorm later to split it up a bit. [/quote]
Oops my bad…I thought this was a different thread…one about a school’s mess hall going vegetarian once a week and people telling the OP to sue the school or some nonsense…I didn’t read back through…sorry for the disrespect J-Mack…
J-Mack, so are you saying that you have nearly zero money budgeted for food besides that your dorm’s cafeteria provides? What type of meal plan is it? Is it the kind where you have to pay for each item you take or is it the kind where you get unlimited food while you’re in there?
If the latter, you’re much better off as you can eat heaps of expensive chicken breasts and beef patties, eggs, etc. Also, I’d say take a tupperware or two in there and fill that thing up with healthy stuff to make stir fry in your dorm room. Get an electric skillet and a pan and you’ll be good to go. Also fill up a water bottle with milk if possible.
I used to take eggs too. I’d ask the chef for 6 eggs and he’d give em to me. I would make omelets and breakfast burritos. I’d just buy a big pack of large tortillas and I’d be good to go. Just get creative. You have a mini-fridge right? Microwave too?
240, I didn’t catch it, but are you living IN the dorms? I’m asking because of your fridge size and kitchen size/availability.
If you have the space def head to the store and get some cheap meat. Pork and chicken are pretty cheap, sometimes I can get beef for cheap too. Tuna can get old for some.
If there’s an oven available throw all the meat into a large pan and cook it all. Bag it or tupperware and there you go. Do the same with some veggies. Find something you like (green beans, brocc, cauli or anything else fibrous, they seem to do better if you reheat them) put some water and butter or oil if your diet permits and salt.
The meat and veggies are usually the last meals I get in the day. a couple spoonfuls of natty PB before bed with decaf coffee and milk and I’m good.
If you don’t want/like the higher fat/fiber meals for all the other meals try chicken or turkey and some sweet potatoes that you baked. They are good cold, but reheat well too.
Also, if your dorm is coed the girls seem to always show up when a guy is cooking… just sayin.
I don’t know what the situation in the US of A is like, but down under it’s over all fairly cheap to buy bulk beef and green vegies. Go green faces diet baby.