Been doing the same routine for a year now, so I’ve been thinking about a change. Also, I now workout before work, so mentally prefer the idea of a shorter workout (40 mins or less). This isn’t set in stone, so can spend longer if have to. Happy to be in the gym more frequently, but ideally want to keep the workouts short and intense.
My main concern is being natural and on a cut, is it a good idea to workout so often? My shoulders are going to be hit pretty frequently, 5 out the 6 days in fact. Obviously don’t want to mess them up long term. Volume is fairly low each session to compensate for frequency I’ll be in the gym.
I get 8-8 half hours sleep each night and my diet is pretty much is 95 -100% clean each week, slowly tapering off portion sizes when weight loss halts. This is the routine I had in mind.
Incline DB - 2x working sets
Flat DB - 2x working sets
Weighted Dips - 2x working sets
Flys - 2x working sets
One Arm Row 2x working sets
Pullup 1x working set
Lat Pulldown 2x working sets
Rack Pull 2x working sets
CG Bench 2x working sets
Bi Curl 2x working sets
Overhead DB Ext 2x working sets
DB preacher 2x working sets
DB Shoulder Press 2x working sets
Lat Raise 2x working sets
Bent over Raise 2x working sets
Shrugs 2x working sets
Front Squat 2x working sets
Leg Press 2x working sets
Leg Curl 2x working sets
Calf Raise 2x working sets
Start over again…
The past 7 weeks since I’ve started the cut I lost just under a stone in weight by lifting weights 4 or 5 x per, using a 3 way split. Days included 40 mins cv first thing. Strength wise, I’ve only lost a rep on most exercises.
You may ask why change? Like I said, its mainly because I don’t like working out for 50 - 60 mins first thing. I really don’t enjoy the sscv on the bike (who does! :))and I’m willing to see if just lifting weights alone is enough to get down to around 10%. Maybe do some on my off day.
Old routine was:
Chest + Arms
Incline DB 2x ws
Flat DB 2x ws
EZ Curl 2x ws
Preacher 2x ws
Dips Weighted 2xws
Overhead 2x ws
F Squat 2x ws
Leg Press 2x ws
Leg Curl 2x ws
Calf Raise 2x ws
Bent Over Raise 2x ws
cv day
Shoulders + back
DB Shoulder 2x ws
One Arm Row 2x ws
Pullup 1x ws
Lat PDown 2xws
Lat Raise 2xws
cv day
Chest + Arms and so on…
Thanks for reading, any suggestions and opinions are welcome.