Lifting Shoes for a Beginner

hi guys, recently started doing some good lifts in the gym and was wondering if you could recommend some lifting shoes that are available in Australia for beginners?


Another Aussie!

There’s lots of lifting shoes available in Australia and I’m all about gear and blowing all my money on stuff and I think I can help you out.

What kind of shoe are you after or what will it be used for?Are you looking for a heeled squat shoe? Perhaps something flat/no heel and hard sole for both squat and deadlift?

  • A pair of chucks or similar style shoe is a classic and you’ll see lots of people lift in them and they are probably the cheapest decent lifting shoe you can get but IMO they aren’t really that good.

  • CityStrength has a nice selection of shoes from SABO (Russian brand that makes shoes for lifting) from 120-150ish dollars.

  • Adidas have mid tier lifting shoes which are decent but won’t destroy your bank account like the Adidas Powerlifts off (save 15% when you sign up)

  • has a decent selection

  • Of course there’s higher end shoes e.g. Nike Romaleos and Adidas Adipowers which are $200-300 so maybe not for you yet unless you really think you’ll commit to lifting for the long term. Between, IronEdge and you should find all the high end stuff

  • Some popular shoes like the Reebok Powerlifting one’s and the Metal powerlifting shoe are hard to get in Australia

Overseas is always an option and if you have the cash to splash the sometimes deadly delivery costs (depending on site) won’t really matter.

MaxBarbell is good. RogueFitness has expensive shipping

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more for squatting, so like a high heeled shoe, such as the reebok legacy/romelos

thanks for the help ill check it out

So… something expensive then lel.

Make sure you get that sizing spot on if you are going to pay the big bucks. No point getting high performance foot wear with the wrong fit.

Romaleos 2 > All IMO. Rugged af and will last a lifetime, sexy af and looks like you mean business, stable af like your feet have been locked into to blocks of concrete.

is there any reason they don’t send the better end shoes to Australia ?

They do for the most part like the big brands cos it’s decent money to be made and there’s already lot of stuff being moved. It’s the smaller brands like Metal that don’t really.

You can get Romaleos or Adipowers in Australia easy… bit really cheap but they aren’t cheap anywhere tbh

Because it would be like putting Forgiato Estremo rims on an old beat up Volkswagen Beetle.

for a beginner, chucks or vans or any flat soled shoe with little compression in the sole. I don’t recommend heeled shoes for a beginner. I spent a decade lifting before i bought any special equipment, shoes, belt, etc. buying specialty gear early makes us rely on it early. You’ll become a guy who has to drive home if he forgot to bring the right pair of shoes. I think a good lifter should learn early on to deal with less than ideal conditions. I used to rely on ear buds, and i would drive home if i forgot them. That’s fucking stupid. I quit wearing them completely because it was such a dumb crutch to have. I wear my heeled shoes for all my squat and OHP sessions now, but I have the confidence and experience in ‘regular shoes’ to be fine without them.

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