Lifting Exercises With Carryover?

hey guys,

I am currently working on a S&C program for MMA and BJJ and have been doing so for about 4 months now.

The program constantly changes due to new and sometimes better idea’s and that means I frequently take out and implement new exercises that I feel will work better.

So instead of making a new thread/threads every day, I thought I would make a thread that I could continue to post my q’s in and hopefully get som feedback…

So my first Q is:
Right now I am going over a couple of techniques and what exercises best mimic them.

The one I am struggeling with is the double leg takedown after a shoot.

When your trail leg steps up on the opponents side and you get ready to lift/trip him/her, I have so far been using a deadlift to mimic the lifting, but I have been thinking that a power clean might be more beneficial because of the explosive nature of the clean.

What makes me unsure is that the power clean and the deadlift are identical up until the clean is initiated.
I can’t figure out if the clean has any carry over for the lifting portion…

These exercices are potent enough that you should include them both. I think people will tell you to build overall strenght instead of concentrating on “carryover” exercices.

Yes, you’d be doing the right thing by implementing them both into your program. No need to have one at the exclusion of the other.

Any exercise that will increase you Rate of Force Development. Or you propensity to explode as quickly as possible. EliteFTS has a nice, little article on ROFD at their main page currently. You should read it and apply the science to your training.

you don’t lift to correct your technique. double legs don’t take that much strength. if you want the ability to muscle it (just in case it comes down to that) or to be more explosive at the technique then any big lifts will transfer over.

deadlifts and box squats are your best bet. Also do a lot of weighted zercher lunges (or hold the bar front squat style).

I’d do something like:

ME (maximal effort) deadlifts or box squat
zercher lunges or lunges with bar ‘racked’
good mornings or weighted back extensions

Jump squats 5x1-3
power cleans 10x2 @ 80-85%
P-chain work

^^ that covers such a broad range of attributes though. You really just want to make sure you have range of motion and work that is primarily hip focused. Which is like 90% of fighting movements.

[quote]Xen Nova wrote:
you don’t lift to correct your technique. double legs don’t take that much strength. if you want the ability to muscle it (just in case it comes down to that) or to be more explosive at the technique then any big lifts will transfer over.

deadlifts and box squats are your best bet. Also do a lot of weighted zercher lunges (or hold the bar front squat style).

I’d do something like:

ME (maximal effort) deadlifts or box squat
zercher lunges or lunges with bar ‘racked’
good mornings or weighted back extensions

Jump squats 5x1-3
power cleans 10x2 @ 80-85%
P-chain work

^^ that covers such a broad range of attributes though. You really just want to make sure you have range of motion and work that is primarily hip focused. Which is like 90% of fighting movements. [/quote]

This is some really solid advice here. I think these 3 simple things should help out your takedowns.
1.Get stronger at compound movements.
2. Do plyos and jump higher or get faster at them.
3.Practice your technique.

Thx for posting guys

I am really just disecting the techniques right now, so I am not going to leave the power clean out in any way.

At the moment I have come up with, a huge load of exercises that has carry over to the double leg take down.

I am just trying to figure out which of the two, deadlift or the power clean has the most carry over for the double leg.

Xen: I do have the box squat on my list, but wouldn’t zecher squat or a zecher lunge be better due to the specificity of the exercises. geting the load out in front while getting up on one leg an all…

Again, istead of box jumps wouldn’t stationary jump lunges be more specific ?

I am not familiar with the p-chain, link ?

Now I know there such a thing as been too specifik since you’ll end up with a million exercises that each mimic a movement during a technique.

all of that specificity stuff imo is bunk after a while. Nothing is more specific than practicing your sport itself.

Everything has fucking carryover. I could justify one leg standing calf raises as being “specific” to a shitload of things but what is it going to do that a 400+ lb box squat isn’t?

it’s like coaches that have guys doing 1 arm rows on bosu balls to improve their knee on belly position.

Ok if you want to do it for ab control- fine, to activate some certain muscle group more -fine, for rehab-fine.

But to improve knee on belly position?


I’ve said this 100x in threads, MMA movements are more akin to ballet than they are lifting techniques. A PROPER thai kick makes the oly snatch look like a wrist curl.

If you REALLLLLLLLY want some shit thats extra specific then you can get grappling dummy or a sandbag and practice shooting in on that.


1- its not like a real opponent
2- technically you’re just practicing your shoot anyway

if you want to get better at your double leg practice your double leg. If you want to get stronger find the most efficient ways to develop force.

You learn to apply your new strength by practicing your sport. Not magical exercises that bridge the gap.

after all the specificity argument stuff goes away it comes down to getting really fucking strong on the basics. Pullups, dips, squats and deadlifts. (military press, bench etc also work). outside of those though its all the same shit… you’re only going to be able to move so much weight with a 1 leg jump lunge or whatever b4 you need to improve your maximal strength and go back to heavy squats anyway. Stick with mixing ME/DE work that doesn’t have huge technique involvement or oly lifts if you’re good at them and you really can’t go wrong.

i encourage you to start reading these articles:

also, by pchain work i meant anything for your posterior chain… romanian deadlift, good mornings, reverse hyper, etc

Two additional points:

You can discover the best core exercises that have good carryover for you, you probably still need exercises (possibly isolation) to target individual weaknesses and others that counteract the specific negative effects your martial art can have on your body (for instance the slouched boxer’s stance can fuck up posture).

This is easily overlooked. Especially by young athletes.

Ok no one, is going to teach you the double leg take down then Dan Gable.

Pay very close attention to the set ups.

you also need to practice it.
break it down

set up
change levels
pop your hips

drill it
each part and all together
practice it with no hands.

practice the lift with a partner.

Xen hands out the S & C stuff here for free,
like its water.

basically train for stregth and power not
hypertrophy and you’ll be fine.

Most wrestling clubs school programs etc
here in the US make both the power clean
and the dead-lift and some kind of squat the corner stones of their strength programs.


^damn dude 2nd great analysis you handed out today.

Weight lifting movements are not meant to mimic sport specific movements . Their main role is to develop the muscles used in your sport, not mimick the actual movement. That is what technique work is for. So don’t worry about trying to mimic the double leg or any other take down.

As Xen said just get your Posterior Chain as strong as possible and leave the sport specific stuff to your actual technique training.If you know an experienced lifter or have a coach that can teach you proper Clean mechanics, than go ahead and do that and the Deadlift. If not I would keep the Dlift and substitute a Plyometric/Explosive movement in for it such as squat jumps or box jumps. Good luck. Train hard.

I dont think that weightlifting drills have much “carryover” to sport as one might think. Youreally cant mimick a double with anything in the gym, other than drilling double leg takedowns. I like to keep things simple. It been 10 years since I was on te mat, but I now train my son, a high school wrestler. Box Squats, with Jump Stretch bands, the Westside way, will increase the explosivness in you hips, back and legs. This format consists of 8-12 sets x 2 reps, with 45-60 seconds rest.

Add some sandbag work, and you’ll increase leg strength, explosivness and power. Watch your vertical jump numbers go up as well, which is proof that your power is increasing.

practice picking up a heavy bag from the ground to over your shoulder and suplex it.

Like the others said, learning technique and practicing the double leg takedown itself is the best bet. I’m not a fighter per-say but for tackling I’ve found weighted chin-ups help a lot.

here’s one exercise i’ve seen done for shooting…

basically, it’s walking lunges, where you start with a DB in your right hand only, complete a lunge and set it down, and pick up one in your left, and continue alternating this way.

it’s pretty demanding, but i’m not sure how much this really helps. i suck at singles and doubles, so take this advice with a very, very small grain of salt :wink:

[quote]Ginof wrote:
I dont think that weightlifting drills have much “carryover” to sport as one might think. Youreally cant mimick a double with anything in the gym, other than drilling double leg takedowns. I like to keep things simple. It been 10 years since I was on te mat, but I now train my son, a high school wrestler. Box Squats, with Jump Stretch bands, the Westside way, will increase the explosivness in you hips, back and legs. This format consists of 8-12 sets x 2 reps, with 45-60 seconds rest.

Add some sandbag work, and you’ll increase leg strength, explosivness and power. Watch your vertical jump numbers go up as well, which is proof that your power is increasing. [/quote]

+1 thats exactly what i’m getting at

Deadlifts have huge carryover in my personal experience.