Lifting and Soreness

Should I be lifting if I am still sore from my last workout even if it has been 48 hours?

How long have you been training?

What program are you following?

How is your nutrition (protein in particular) and rest?

no. never lift when you are sore for that bodypart. I assume you’re a beginner. Can i see your routine to help you out?

If it has been longer than 48 hours, I think that lifting through the “soreness” helps a lot. I don’t think that you should not train if you are somewhat sore. Moderate intensity cardio helps a lot with soreness.

It depends on how severe it is. I often have set PRs on mornings that I am still sore. Once I warmup, if the pain goes down, I go for it. Otherwise I keep it light.

[quote]FatalClaw wrote:
no. never lift when you are sore for that bodypart. [/quote]

Never huh. Never? Are you a Mike Menzter HIT advocate? He thought everyone should train once very 4-7 days. Not very effective for anyone wanting to gain strength and mass.

48 hours is plenty of time to recover.

I just finished Rippetoe last week. It consisted of every major compound lift, 3 days/week. I would squat each workout. Sure my legs may have been sore occasionally, but it never caused me to decrease weight. Rarely a day went by that I didn’t increase at least 5 lbs.

Ok guess i wasn’t being too specific. The day after you deadlift, you’ll feel severe soreness. If its still that sore when you want to deadlift again, don’t.

Yea, the dudeabides, you increase on your lifts, it’s called beginner gains.

Even after a solid year of training? I like to thinks its hard work. Anyway, thanks.

The point is not about my gains or even my workout. Well maybe about my workout. The real point is that you shouldn’t wait until the soreness subsides before you train again.

You know what Fatal, I apologize for being a little too sarcastic. My bad.

I also wasn’t bragging, just stating a fact that it is possible to recover from strenuous activity within a day. That’s all.

[btw, I’m 29 and no beginner]

Do you really think it’s possible to recover in just a day?
So what you’re saying is that you’re increasing 15 pounds a week on squats, and not even as a beginner?

FatalClaw, TheDudeAbides has added 85 lbs to his squat and 140 lbs to his deadlift in the last 8 weeks. Here’s his workout thread.

Believe it. You can work out with sore muscles.


Yes, he has made good gains.
And yes they were beginner gains whether you want to admit it or not.

You started weighing at 240 and had a 175 bench and 205 deadlift. If those aren’t beginner numbers for someone your size, then i don’t know what that is.

If you squat hard, the next few days you will barely be able to walk due to soreness. Would you still squat again?

[quote]FatalClaw wrote:

Yes, he has made good gains.
And yes they were beginner gains whether you want to admit it or not.

You started weighing at 240 and had a 175 bench and 205 deadlift. If those aren’t beginner numbers for someone your size, then i don’t know what that is.

If you squat hard, the next few days you will barely be able to walk due to soreness. Would you still squat again?[/quote]

The only reason I don’t consider them beginner gains is because I lifted (Mentzer HIT) for the previous 9 months. I became stronger, but in all the wrong lifts(db fly, bb curl, pulldown, leg extension, tri press, lateral raise). I also started at a bodyweight of 260, got down to 227, but now back up to 240. I do see what you’re saying though. The deadlift is skewed because I had reoccurring lower back spasms last year, so I was playing it safe.

I did squat hard, and commented many times that the last rep or two were very difficult. The first two weeks I was sore, but that went away. If I was sore, I would still lift. Maybe I have slightly above average recovery. That’s the real issue, do you still lift if its in the schedule or take another day off. I say lift. I tried the 2x/week split with poor results.

It is what it is. I guess the next 6 months will be more telling of my gain potential.

That’s cool. Guess you’re the balls to the walls guy. I tend to rest a lot myself and have good gains so I’ll continue to rest 4-7 days.

I’ll see you around the boards.

I definitly wouldn’t say “never.” But I definitly wouldn’t say “ignore it.”

You may be injured. You may not be eating enough. You may be doing too much work. You may need more recovery time. You may have started a new program with all new parameters and are experiencing the soreness that always comes with that. You may simply just get sore but still be able to progress*.

Too many unknowns to really say yes or no.

*This is really what matters. Are you progressing?