[quote]shamethedebil wrote:
sasquatch wrote:
shamethedebil wrote:
A lot of people mention newbies not understanding what failure is, but not one person takes the time to explain it?
That’s not my job–especially when the information is so readily available on this site. Search. It is explained and researched at a level that makes it very easy to understand and comprehend should the person choose to read.
By the way–I see no question there.
No, it’s not your job. But this is supposed to be a forum where people that are new to the game can ask questions and get advice from those that have been around the block, right?
A lot of us do read the articles and we do learn a lot from them, but that makes it not ok to ask questions?
From a newbies standpoint, it can get pretty frustrating when you post a question knowing you have to weed through about 6 or 7 posts of people calling you an idiot, just to get a decent reply. Don’t you remember what it was like when you were first starting out?
Listen dweeb
This poster claims to know failure. He has said so several times, so your argument is bogus. The problem here is his, and apparently yours, inability to grasp the concepts as written or explained by others. If you can’t read an article on failure and grasp the concept then my post won’t make much difference. Just like the way it has been accepted here.
I enjoy helping the beginners. Go back and read my posts. Yes, I can be harsh and sarcastic, but my first attempt in the beginners section is usually to help. Any sibsequent responses generally follow the tone of the respondee.
Another thing you may want to remeber is that many of us ‘experienced’ people take the time to reply and then get bitch slapped because it didn’t fit the beginners idea of what he believed. We didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear.
This guy claims to know muscular failure with 4 reps at aprox. 65% of his supposed max. This after 2 easy sets of 10 and one more 10 lbs heavier.
Yah, I remember what it was like to be new to the game. It was the 70’s and early 80’s when I got my intro to the weight room. Believe me now, this attitude would have been bounced right out of the room.