Heavy is relative.
I COULD (I can, i have already done it) bench press 400 pounds for 5 reps and do it with an easy rep-performance parameter, simple and easy: lift as fast as I can, and lower under control…feels like a hell of strength set.
Now, I DO bench press 300 pounds and instead of lowering under control, I take my time to lower at a speed where I really feel it work my muscles. I do that for the pump, not for strength, so it’s great set to induce hypertrophy, or GROWTH.
Bodybuilders sometimes take this approach and therefore, they ease up on the weight, a.k.a. TENSION and focus on the amount of stress and the glycogen cycle’s duration, or TIME UNDER TENSION, it’s like a scale, one side goes up, the other goes down.
Now if a bodybuilder has the same approach for a 3-6 reps set, i bet he has the same approach for a 10-15 reps set, therefore, lifting lighter loads to favor a more “pumping” set with more time under tension and just creating a metabolic process for growth.
Powerlifters ain’t no sissies, they are big. I can’t remember a scrawny powerlifter, but I can’t remember a ripped and chiseled one either, so you see they also take some more time to get big, and must work more carefully with bigger loads and shorter exposures to tension, in terms of time under tension or volume of work. They favour a neural approach to growth, as a secondary result of strength.
Now, if a bodybuilder has got half a brain, doesn’t use steroids and got a life that prevents him from staying 8 hours a day on the gym, he’d probably lift hard and heavy and also slow and lighter (read this correctly: I wrote not light, but ligth-ER) he will be big and strong. He may not look like Ronnie Coleman, but I’d bet my left nut that if his girlfriend gets a flat tire on her scooter, he can lift it up and bring it inside (as long as she lives on a first-floor and doesn’t take too much walking to set it on her apartment or home) and yet look ripped, or very lean.
I just love it when people began to understand that there’s a great sense to the saying my old man used: " Even bullshit has a substance, so lies normally come from an ugly and misunderstood fact or truth"