It isn’t uncommon for me, especially from fiddling around with minor changes in form (particularly stance) to have knee pain. It is ALWAYS (95% of the time) in my left knee, and more so on the right side of it. One thing I have noticed is when sitting down, my left foot points out more than my right. When I am sitting in a natural position.
When I set up my stance for my squat purely for how it feels, it feels the best with my left foot pointed out slightly more than my right. When I correct it and make both sides even, I feel a lot of extra force on my left knee / hip. During my last two sets of squats today my left knee felt extremely unstable, like it was about to completely fall apart mid-set.
The pain is only a 1.5/10 barely noticeable. But its that type of annoying pain where you cant exactly pin point the location, and comes and goes. Randomly getting better, randomly getting worse.
I know its possible to have one limb longer than the other. Don’t think that’s the case but its not impossible. It could also be some sort of muscular tightness but how can I find out? Should I keep ‘forcing’ myself to squat evenly despite the pain or should I squat in the position which feels most comfortable?