[quote]jre67t wrote:
You would think that Obamacare would make health insurance cheaper, but we got ass raped without lube. Hell starting next year I have to pay an extra 100 a month just to keep my current plan.
Hopefully it will be repealed hence it going to the supreme court and the libs trying to discredit Judge Clarence Thomas, who by the way is black. His health care plan will resurface just in time for re-election. [/quote]
Lucky me, I don’t have to wait for next year to get far worse coverage at higher prices.
As I sit, I am going over the new plan that was dropped on me and over 100 other employees just today.
Some highlights…
Old deductibles (as of yesterday) $3000 individual, $5000 family
Today $5000 individual, $10000 family (in network, double if out)
Old office visit copay $25
New copay 20% of negotiated rate if accepted by physician.
Old prescription coverage $8 generic $30 on generic
New $10 generic, otherwise $200 brand name deductible then a $35 copay. As my son has allergy/asthma issues, a few of his meds have no generic version. Can’t wait to see how this will work out.
Another kicker. My wife has had some issues this year that required surgeries. Add to this a broken arm for my daughter and a torn plantar ligament for myself and CT surgery, we had maxed out our out of pocket maximums that were to carry through to the end of the physical year. This was good as my wife is going to have to have another operation. We were planning to handle it at the end of the month.
I was notified today that as the program is changing today the max out of pocket, effective today, had increased to $12000 per family, ($6000 per individual). Now I will have to pony up the first $3000 of the upcoming procedure.
I realize that this has been an unusual year for us and hopefully will not repeat anytime soon. I do realize, however, that the majority of households, having the coverage that I did have and now have, could not manage the out of pocket expense that I have dealt with so far. I am fortunate to live beneath my means and to be a decent steward of money. Even so, there is only so much that I could take and still make mortgage, food, gas, utilities, etc…
Dalibama Care is not looking so damn hot from where I am standing. If this is the type of affordable health care that is coming, I don’t know how much I can stand.