Late Post-Workout Eating

hey i usually finish working out at around 10:30 at night. i know im supposed to take carbs in after a workout so i usually take musclemilk and creatine. i hear mixing creatine with applejuice is better because it absorbs better with some carbs. should i be doing this even if i am gonna sleep soon after? should i take in more carbs after my workout, and from what source (fruit?). i really want to keep body fat to a minimum and i dont want to get a bigger gut by taking in carbs before i sleep.

any general advice? all the info about post workout doesnt seem as relevant because i workout so late.

I’m no expert myself, but yeah… mixing creatine with a sugary drink will help it absorb BUT creatine is just about dirt cheap (mine is a 10 dollar tub with 80 5 gram servings creatine monohydrate). Your still going to absorb a good bit of it anyway.

Think of it this way (btw i don’t know the real numbers, but it’s for example purposes):
fruit drink- absorb 80% of creatine
post workout drink- absorb 60% of creatine

so… if your that worried just take an extra half serving of it but personally i wouldn’t worry about it.

For those more experienced than me, please correct me if i’m wrong anywhere.