Well, not me, per se, but my lady is!
We’re hoping for a boy, but a little DJ Tanner wouldn’t be too bad, right?
Join me, T-Nation, in celebration of my first baby being on the way, and please excuse this clearly self indulgent thread.
Well, not me, per se, but my lady is!
We’re hoping for a boy, but a little DJ Tanner wouldn’t be too bad, right?
Join me, T-Nation, in celebration of my first baby being on the way, and please excuse this clearly self indulgent thread.
Shit, I posted this like 20 minutes ago, I didn’t even think it worked.
Either way, check out this pictorial re-enactment of my super sperm on its way to impregnate my girlfriend.
And here is a pictorial re-enactment of the 1st 2 1/2 years of our relationship.
Congrats sir, its been 18 years since I was in your shoes. Get ready for the ride of your life.
how old is lankymofo?
LankyMofo is a strapping young lad of 24 years.
Thanks for the kind words, fellas.
And here is a parenting fail for you guys.
Lol, some of these parenting fail pics are hilarious.
I’m making it my goal to never be in one of these pictures. It doesn’t seem too hard - never bring strippers around the child, don’t let the child drink beer, handle the child w/ care, etc.
Well, congratulations, Lanky!!!
I’m happy for you!
Oh, man. Last one I promise, haha.
Again, thanks for the congrats, fellas. I’m pretty excited.
Congrats Padre!
[quote]imhungry wrote:
Well, congratulations, Lanky!!!
I’m happy for you![/quote]
Why is that so surprising to you?
Alright, Lanky! Congrats!
Being a dad rocks. You’ll see.
But I didn’t even know you were married.
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
But I didn’t even know you were married. [/quote]
Ouch, ID, that hurts, man!
Not married, yet, but it’s in the works.
Edit: And just so my intelligence isn’t questioned, yes it was in the works before the pregnancy!
Awesome dude! Hope you have a good network of people to help you out.
First thing you gotta do is buy a Pittburgh Steeler sleeper for when he/she gets home. Gotta start them off right;)
[quote]super saiyan wrote:
imhungry wrote:
Well, congratulations, Lanky!!!
I’m happy for you!
Why is that so surprising to you?[/quote]
I also find 24 a bit young to be having a child, but that’s just my personal feelings on the matter. Either way, grats Lanky.
Congrats. In a few months I’ll send you a little Yankees rattle and bib.