Big man is finally a Big Daddy! Very happy to hear of this.
Gratz! ^^
What’s up with some pictures?!
Miracles do happen!
Congrats to you and the family, BB!
[quote]Stern wrote:
Gratz! ^[1]
If BB’s son came out looking like this I think BB has some problems to deal with/people to kill.
/quote ↩︎
Good for him, but hopefully he doesn’t start neglecting his REAL family like the accountant did when he had a kid.
Good job. Now go make some more
Aww, congrats on the Little Boss, BB.
Hot Damn!!
[quote]LarryDavid wrote:
Good for him, but hopefully he doesn’t start neglecting his REAL family like the accountant did when he had a kid.
But for real, BB, I want some damn pictures up in this thread when you see it! Babies are the tits.
Wonderful news! Congrats Boss!
(lol@ babies are the tits, Lanky :D)
Awesome news, congratulations!!
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
[quote]Stern wrote:
Gratz! ^[1]
If BB’s son came out looking like this I think BB has some problems to deal with/people to kill.
haha, well, it seemed appropriate at the time =P
/quote ↩︎
Congrats Man!
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
[quote]LarryDavid wrote:
And Bawse, the pics damnnit!
LOL…I’m sure a posted pics in a thread I created when he was born…AND I missed this thread somehow…lol. Anyways…since he’s nearing up on 1st birthday here’s some pics…
…and thanks for the congrats…been away for a while…lol