How much do you weigh? What are you best lifts? If this is for real, you are on track to be the greatest lifter of all time. In Ed Coan’s book he says his bent over row PR is 505x5. With a bit of momentum like how he does it, you must be able to do at least the same.
1 arm DB row x 2 does not equal barbell row. I’ve rowed 150 for over 20 reps. There is no way I could barbell row 300 for anywhere near that many reps.
Can barbell row low 400 for 2-3 reps
weight 230 with 15 lbs I would like to lose
I dont train for powerlifting, you can check my log for lifts
I have good leverages for back exercises.
I haven’t done barbell rows in a couple months, but I have done 365 for a few sets of 6. I can’t imagine doing db rows with 275lbs., much less with strict form.
Dumbbell row specialist perhaps?
I’m just curious how strict this row is. I’m not saying you can’t row it, I’m jut very curious as to how strict it is. If you do not feel comfortable filming, don’t do it, but be prepared to not be believed due to its insanity.