I was thinking that the Killer Legs video by Ian would make a great Christmas present for my brother (and for myself of course). Can anybody tell me what kind of exercises are on the video? Is there some upper body on there too? Is this a good video?
The video covers almost all the leg exercises that you see in Ian’s programs. The video is about 52 minutes long. It is divided into quad dominant and hip dominant exercises. It covers things like one-legged squats, back squats, lunges, deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, stiff-legged deadlifts, good mornings, king deadlifts, etc. So if you read through Ian’s “Limping Series,” you’ll see that all the exercises for the lower body are covered in this video. It’s definitely a useful tool and will help you perfect your form on the exercises. By the way, there are no upper body exercises covered on this video.
It’s mainly exercises from the Limping Series. It’s a great video if you want to see technique, but beyond that there isn’t much info.