Kicking Ass on 5/3/1

This is what I have been doing:

  1. Agile 8
  2. Sprint/ Jump/ Throw: 5 rounds of different variations
  3. 5/3/1 Deadlift, Press, Bench, or Front Squat
  4. “Dynamic” Assistance work using the opening weight of the above lift 10-15 sets of 2-4
  5. All of the above supersetted with some sort of pull (chins on upper body days/ face pulls on lower body days)
  6. 3 of easy bis/tris (on upper days) or 5 sets of abs (on lower)
  7. Conditioning (prowler, walking, or more sprints) on off days


Smashing PRs (+10# deadlift, +15# bench; +30# front squat; +5# press)
Looking both leaner and more muscular.

After my deload, I am going to do the 13 week Boring But Big program. (And eat more!)

Anyways, all this to say, the program works. Make it your own, but don’t overcomplicate things.

Congrats on the PR’s!