This is what I have been doing:
- Agile 8
- Sprint/ Jump/ Throw: 5 rounds of different variations
- 5/3/1 Deadlift, Press, Bench, or Front Squat
- “Dynamic” Assistance work using the opening weight of the above lift 10-15 sets of 2-4
- All of the above supersetted with some sort of pull (chins on upper body days/ face pulls on lower body days)
- 3 of easy bis/tris (on upper days) or 5 sets of abs (on lower)
- Conditioning (prowler, walking, or more sprints) on off days
Smashing PRs (+10# deadlift, +15# bench; +30# front squat; +5# press)
Looking both leaner and more muscular.
After my deload, I am going to do the 13 week Boring But Big program. (And eat more!)
Anyways, all this to say, the program works. Make it your own, but don’t overcomplicate things.