Am I Doing it Right?

I’ve read Beyond 5/3/1 and every single exercise in my planned program has a purpose. This is what I’ve started doing (and I am using 90% of what I know I can hit any given day).

Back Squat Day/Front Squat Day
Working Set
Working Set
PR Set
0-2 Joker Sets
0-2 Joker Singles
3 Sets Pause Squats
Power Cleans (either 6x2 at set weight, or pyramid up to max double, auto regulated)
RDLs 3x6-8 (no RDLs on Front Squat Day)
Bench Press Day/Overhead Press Day
Working Set
Working Set
PR Set
0-2 Joker Sets
0-2 Joker Singles
3 Sets Pause Bench/Press
3 Sets Weighted Pullups
Seated Military Press 3x8~ (Close Grip Bench Press 3x8~ on Overhead Press Day)
Weighted Dips 3x10-15
Kroc Rows 3x15~
Barbell Rows 3x8~
Lateral Raises 3x8~
Rear Delt Flies 3x8~
DB Curls 3x8~
Deadlift Day
Working Set (deficit)
Working Set (deficit)
PR Set (floor)
0-2 Joker Set (floor)
0-2 Joker Single (floor)
3 Sets of Deficit Deadlifts
3x8~ Back Squats at 65% DE
6x2 Clean Pulls
3x6-8~ RDLs

Current PR/Short Term Goals (by end of year)/Long Term Goals (next two years)
Bench Press 335/365/405
Olympic Back Squat 405/465/495
Front Squat 330/385/405
Overhead Press 205/225/275
Conventional Deadlift 495/585/635
Clean from hang 215/275/315
Clean from floor 250/315/365
Weighted Pull Up 105/135/185

Current Total 325 paused bench, 455 Low Bar Squat, 525 Sumo Deadlift = 1305
End of Year 355 paused bench, 500 Low Bar Squat, 605 Sumo Deadlift = 1460
Long Term 400 paused bench, 550 LBBS, 650 Sumo Deadlift = 1600

Physique Goals
To be more muscular everywhere, but specifically to improve my two weakest areas, shoulder width and arm size.