Kai Greene Poses as a Lion

I’ve also seen him as a cowboy with boots, a mime, etc.

I like kai as the bodybuilder and person, but in my humble opinion of one of the greatest bodybuilders on the planet today, his posing SUCKS!

yea I said it.

it’s different thats for sure…maybe not boring like some routines, but posing is about showing off the physique, not making some artistic dance out of it.

I don’t like that he is thrown up there as a great poser because of his off the wall stuff, but I do think he has talent in showing off his physique.

I think that if he put together a classy routine such as a shawn ray or melvin anthony then he could blow the house down without the props and crazy dance moves…he did the worm at the arnold for crying out loud! lol

none of that is meant to be argumentative nor derragatory towards Kai who I have mad respect for and I’m definitely a fan…it is all opinion of these types of routines.

that was hilarious.

The very first thing that came to my mind was that he looks like a rejected ThunderCat character.


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
The very first thing that came to my mind was that he looks like a rejected ThunderCat character.



the guy is an artist, he’s gonna do some crazy shit, some of it will be embraced while some of it will be hated. either way he’s doing what he wants and props to that.

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
The very first thing that came to my mind was that he looks like a rejected ThunderCat character.



I’m a fan of Kai. I’m glad hes been sucessful as of late. I also use to think he was the best poser. I’ve changed my mind after the Arnold this year. I think he focuses too much on “different” and not enough on the poses. I mean, he did the damn worm! lol. How is that showing off his physique? I know he’s acknowledged that he has to focus more on taking more time with each pose before transitioning into another. If he can do that, I have no problem with his artistic’ness. Either way, its entertaining.

Kai is a pretty intelligent guy sometimes hes out there with these things he says and does. Ton of respect for a true pro that has overcome many challenges but hes just something else. I can see him crossing over into michael jackson status sooner than later… just dominate Kai…

I didn’t have a problem with him when he fucked a grapefruit on camera and I don’t have a problem with him now. I like variety. He provides it.