For christmas I am getting either a kb or a rolling thunder and some books by sportive press (my choice). And I was wondering if any of the folks at t-mag have these products, and if they would recommend them or not. I was thinking the k-bell would be a good idea because I go on frequent trips and think that a k-bell would help give me a good work out on the road. As for the books and the RT I want them because I love to learn and love grip work.
Have you looked at the kettle stack review under the T-Jack forum?
I have 9 pair of all the sizes of kettlebells that dragondoor has to offer and I can say that they are useful but also very fun.I would not give up my squatrack,reverse hyper or my powerblock set but I think they are a great addition to any workout program,Just from a standpoint of something different.What kind of a workout were you thinking of doing and what sizes of bells were you going to get?Did want them JUST for travel or as an adjuct to your current protocol?
I would use the K-bells mainly for when I am at a place that doesn’t have weights. I would do workouts based around pullups, one arm push ups, ab work, and pistons.
Thanks for the advice
Yeah man, go for a KB or two. They travel easily and will give you a fun break from barbells when you travel. Like others have said, don’t give up barbells, squat racks, etc… in lieu of KB’s, but KB’s make a nice addition to your workout program. Never tried the Kettlestacks some people have talked about, but I have quite a few of the DD variety and work them into my programs. You would probably enjoy them, and it sounds like they would fit well with the exercises you plan to do when travelling. Good luck…
Well…since you asked. I would bring a set of plate loaded dumbbells when you travel. You can load the dumbbells up with a decent amount of weight. When you want to use them you can do sets with variable weight, so you are not stuck with the same weight for each set. That idea of progessive resistance is a heck of a good one
ZEB regarding the progessive resistance the kb’s I am looking at are ones that you can load with sand, water, lead shot or whatever to make them heavier.
Hey make sure to check out some of the new bowling ball bags for traveling with them. Otherwise you’ll probably never bring them again after the first run through DFW trying to catch a plane If your going by car them it doesn’t really matter.
But anyways they have these new bowling ball bags that have like wheels and handles like regular luggage. Inside is a little plastic shell for the ball to sit in. They fit the kettlebells perfectly for most sizes. You even get some that stack two or three, although I imagine they aren’t made to take that much weight. I’ve seen a couple guys come to KB seminars with them so give it a try.