Check it out. Justin Harris gives an interview with Robbie Durand from MD. He talks about Carb Cycling, Shitloading, Waxy Maize Starch and other things. This guy has so much knowledge. Enjoy.
Good stuff from a jacked and extremely intelligent dude.
Geez, you’re all full of wisdom lately. The local sage of nutrition.
Speaking of sages, where has Bill Roberts been?
[quote]Trenchant wrote:
Geez, you’re all full of wisdom lately. The local sage of nutrition.
Speaking of sages, where has Bill Roberts been?[/quote]
I don’t know. It’d be cool if he stopped in one of the current threads we got going on.
Sweet thanks. I’m a big fan of Justin. Anybody who can call themselves a hairy turd burglar in youtube comments is a cool guy in my book ha…
I have a buddy who hired Justin as his nutritionist. He is a wealth of knowledge that guy. And HUUUUUUGE
Justin just seems like a guy you’d want to hang out with so, beyond his obvious knowledge of nutrition, I’d say that is a quality that will take a professional far.
[quote]PonceDeLeon wrote:
Justin just seems like a guy you’d want to hang out with so, beyond his obvious knowledge of nutrition, I’d say that is a quality that will take a professional far.[/quote]
Yeah, he seems like a cool dude. He’s a huge/strong guy that trains seriously, but still finds time to be a clown. His vids with Dante are pure gold. lol.
So, WM according to him would be a decent idea?
I am willing to bet that he might be the most jacked guy to ever get a PhD in Physics (he is working on that right now).
As for Bill Roberts, I heard he was away on his honeymoon.
[quote]waldo21212 wrote:
I am willing to bet that he might be the most jacked guy to ever get a PhD in Physics (he is working on that right now).
As for Bill Roberts, I heard he was away on his honeymoon.[/quote]
Justin Harris is pursuing a PhD or Bill Roberts? I take it you mean Bill…who is a cool dude, too. I’d hang with him as well.
Bill, if you’re reading this, enjoy the honeymoon and congrats.
Justin Harris is the one who I was referring to as pursuing the PhD in Physics.
Professional guy with an endless well of wisdom. Thanks for the post.
[quote]Trenchant wrote:
Geez, you’re all full of wisdom lately. The local sage of nutrition.
Speaking of sages, where has Bill Roberts been?[/quote]
In Mt Olympus. We can try sacrificing a white bull and burning it, while one of us sounds the ram’s horn in order to summon him. If that doesn’t work we might need virgins and baskets of the finest harvest. lol!
Oops, just caught that at the tail end of the interview. Damn, mad respect to Justin.
Figures, though. Usually the more intelligent people I have known have come across as extremely patient, and that’s the first impression I ever had of Justin Harris (that he was a patient guy). So, I’m not surprised that he’s also extremely bright.
One day, we will listen to an interview with elusive on carb cycling and refeeds:
Magazine: So, elusive. Tell us how many carbs you got in on your last refeed.
elusive: Well, last weekend I had to call up Betty Crocker herself to bake me an angel food cake that I could wear like an inner tube because it was so massive.
WOW a gem of an interview gotta save that link. Thanks.
I’ll just leave this here
I’m hungry for wooly mammoth steak.
Has anyone read the e-book? I’d be interested in buying it…also his version of carb cycling sounds like a progressive depletion, where he slowly cuts the carbs down each day following a refeed. I’d imagine he’s also training like a fuckin’ madman in the gym to get to that depleted state by the weekend.
yeah like he stated he’s a big fan of higher reps and balls to walls training:P. I heard him say in his interview about doing something like 10X10 with 400+ lbs for shits n giggles LOL beast
[quote]phatkins187 wrote:
I’m hungry for wooly mammoth steak.
Has anyone read the e-book? I’d be interested in buying it…also his version of carb cycling sounds like a progressive depletion, where he slowly cuts the carbs down each day following a refeed. I’d imagine he’s also training like a fuckin’ madman in the gym to get to that depleted state by the weekend.[/quote]
I have both his comprehensive nutrition book and his troponin nutrition macronutrient guidebook that he did with Shelby. Not to take anything away from them, but they are both very basic with the information they gave away. Of course this is to respect their paying clients and keep most of the “secrets” for the athletes.
If you’re really curious, they’re both very affordable.