This is my new log.The last one was a 5 month log.I made some decent progress on the bench but my lower body lifts were all over the place.Firstly I was just training to train and then I decided to specialize on the deadlift,which for a 150 kg/330 lbs or a bit above squatter is stupid.As a result my legs are a bit smaller too.So my goals for this log are
A 184 kg / 405 lbs beltless squat
A 136-143 kg /300 - 315 lbs bench
16.5 inch guns
Big ass calves,forearms and traps
91- 95 kg / 200 - 210 lbs bodyweight with abs showing
Also I like being strong in general so things like rowing 100 kg / 220 lbs with very good form or kroc rows with the 40 kg / 88 lbs dumbbell for 25 + reps will make me happy
I use conjugate periodization that’s very similar to what stb is describing here
This is my old training log
I haven’t finished my last training cycle yet but I wanted to start this log too bad
Hanging leg raises
Bw x 25
I just wanted to see how many I can do in one set.Very pleased with that.The summer I was struggling to get 10
Reverse grip pulldowns
30 kg x 20 x 2
Side laterals
6 kg x 20 x 2
Bench press
20 kg x 15 x 2 ss with band pull aparts
40 kg x 10 ss with band pull aparts
40 kg + 2 bands x 5 ss with band pull aparts
40 kg + 4 bands x 3 ss with band pull aparts
70 kg + 4 bands x 3 x 9
Paused close grip
60 kg x 3 90 kg x 8
120 kg is right around the corner
Dumbbell extensions
6 kg x 8
14 kg x 12 x 2
Barbell row
20 kg x 20
40 kg x 12
60 kg x 6 70 kg x 17
Hammer curls
After some sets I realized I wasn’t counting
Reverse forearm curls(more like extensions)
Something for some reps
Since I changed my goals in the end of this cycle(stupid I know) instead of dynamic efforts I’ll focus these lower body days on testing out some things
Also since my squat goal is beltless everything I do will be beltless,so I’m not gonna write it on every movement
Pull ups just to see where I’m at
Bw x 5 pull ups,5 chin ups
Fully paused at the bottom.Very pleased with these.Although 10 would be even better
Leg curls
25 kg x 20
40 kg x 10 x 2
High bar paused squat
20 kg x 6
60 kg x 6
80 kg x 6
100 kg x 6
120 kg x 1 x 2 Not bad for first time doing these.If I decide to use these as an accessory I wanna bring them up to 150 kg
Hypers parallel to the floor
Bw x 10
10 kg dumbbells x 15 x 2
These murder my hams and feel good at my glutes too
Leg extensions
I wanted to try 2 sets for 3 minutes but around the 1 minute at the first and the 45 seconds at the second I was dead
Dumbbell shrugs
14 kg x 25 x 2
And then I left forgetting to hit calves once again
Paused bench press
Some idiot was using 2 barbell to superset 25 kg squats and 25 kg rdls and one of these was the barbell I use for bench.So I did my warm ups with the fatter bar
20 kg x 16,16 ss with band pull aparts
40 kg x 8,8 ss with band pull aparts
60 kg x 2
70 kg x 1 at this point waiting got me really demotivated
Finally got it but I really wasn’t in the mood to press heavy stuff anymore
80 kg x 2
90 kg x 1
100 kg x 1
110 kg x 1 120 kg x 1 Got loose at the bottom and made it tougher than it should have been but still got it.This was a 5 kg pr
122.5 x 0 Moved it a bit and got stuck.Maybe if speed was there.But who cares.At November 15 my best paused press was 110 kg,which means I’ve added 10 kg to my bench in less than 4 months
Then did some stuff that I’m too lazy to write
Mini workout earlier in the evening
130 reps band pushdowns
50 reps band row to chin
50 reps band curls
50 reps band good morning
Pull ups
Bw x 6,2 going higher that last time and pausing each rep on the bottom
Front squat
20 kg x 10
40 kg x 8
60 kg x 3
80 kg x 1
90 kg x 1 100 kg x 1
110 kg x 1 a bit sloopy so I don’t count it as a pr
Hypers parallel to the floor
Bw x 15
20 kg in plates x 15 x 2
Machine rows
20 kg x 15
50 kg x 20 x 3
Dumbbell shrugs paused at the top
20 kg x 15 x 3
Smith machine calf raises
up to 130 kg x 15 pausing each rep at the top.I really felt them in my calves.I wanna get them really strong.Something like 130 kg x 40-50 or 180 kg x 10 would be perfect
Bench press
Decided to hit 100 kg for reps instead on doing dynamic effort today
20 kg x 15
40 kg x 10
60 kg x 5
80 kg x 2
100 kg x 6
For some reason the weight wasn’t stable.Other than that I think focusing on wide grip benching after my main movement will greatly help my bench
Last week I started dieting.I’ve been eating 2100-2300 calories(usually no more than 2200) Monday-Friday and 3800-4000 on weekends.I’ve been getting leaner day by day.I also keep the protein at at least 150 grams per day(I started weighting around 215 at 20-25% bf)
Low incline dumbbell press (3)
10 kg x 20 ss with band pull aparts
14 kg x 20 ss with band pull aparts
20 kg x 8 ss with band pull aparts
25 kg x 6 ss with band pull aparts
30 kg x 6 ss with band pull aparts
35 kg x 10 ss with band pull aparts pausing the last
Wide grip paused bench press
20 kg x 15
40 kg x 12
60 kg x 10
70 kg x 10 This will probably be my main accessory after max effort upper for the next accumulation block
Dumbbell skullcrushers
8 kg x 10 10 kg x 23
Cable row low to belly
25 kg x 15
40 kg x 10 55 kg x 20
Close grip bench press
20 kg x 20,20 ss with band pull aparts
40 kg x 15 ss with band pull aparts
60 kg x 5 ss with band pull aparts
80 kg x 5
90 kg x 5 5th was slow but I really wanted a pr 97.5 kg x 5 Woohoo 2.5 kg pr
97.5 x 1,0 shiiiiiiit.But still I got that pr
I’ll buy glue today to build a 2 board (just a bit thicker than 1.5 inches) to hit some reps after my main work
Barbell extensions to forehead
20 kg x 10
30 kg x 8 45 kg x 11 I’ve really made some progress here
35 kg x 13,8 cause I hit the pins like 2-3 times on that set
30 kg x 14
Barbell row
20 kg x 20
50 kg x 10
70 kg x 5 80 kg x 15 Funny thing is I thought the barbell had 70 kg for some reason and my best with that weight is 14 so I easily went to 12-13 reps and then pushed it to 15
60 kg x 16,11
50 kg x 14
Ez barbell curls
20 kg x 10
30 kg x 11
20 kg x 15,12
10 kg x 40
Mini workout at the evening
100 rep band pushdowns
50 rep band faccpulls
50 rep band curls
100 rep band leg curls
50 rep band seated good morning
50 rep neck curls
50 rep per side neck side curls
Reverse grip pulldowns
30 kg x 20
35 kg x 20
40 kg x 20
Leg curls
25 kg x 17 x 3
High bar closer stance squat
20 kg x 20
40 kg x 12
60 kg x 7
80 kg x 5
90 kg x 5
100 kg x 5 110 kg x 5,1 x 6 They felt kind of awkward but still I could hit 130 kg on these which is very good for a movement I haven’t done in ages,if ever
I’d do box squat but I slept and went at a busy hour so it was impossible
Hypers parallel to the floor with dumbbells
Bw x 15 16 kg x 20 10 kg x 21,11
T station row
0 kg x 15
20 kg x 8 40 kg x 18 30 kg x 20,12
Dumbbell shrugs paused at the top 12 kg x 52
Very pleased with this workout,especially given that all I had today was 100 grams of feta cheese.Time to eat
Mini workout hours after
100 rep band pushdowns
50 rep band curls
50 rep band leg curls
50 rep neck curls,25 45 degree neck curls per side,50 side neck curls per side
She’s a coach and she was just showing how the movement was done to someone.I asked her if I could do my set before her trainee which was a sweet move cause she did 4 sets in a row
Medium grip underhand grip pulldowns
30 kg x 25 x 2
Side laterals
4 kg x 40
Speed bench
20 kg x 22 x 2 ss with band pull aparts
40 kg x 12 ss with band pull aparts
50 kg x 5 ss with band pull aparts
57.5 kg x 3 x 20 with 4 different grips a the fatter bar shittier bar
80 kg x 2 x 2 paused to check bar speed.The weight felt heavier than it should but flew up so nothing to complain here
Stiff incline dumbbell press(6)
10 kg x 12
14 kg x 6 18 kg x 23,7
Tate press
6 kg x 12
10 kg x 8
14 kg x 14 I wanted 20 but that ain happening today
10 kg x 16
8 kg x 22
Kroc row
10 kg x 10
20 kg x 10
30 kg x 6 35 kg x 22 I usually put more volume on my movements but kroc row takes a lot out of me and tomorrow I have lower body so that’s all I did for back
Barbell curls
20 kg x 10
30 kg x 6
40 kg x 8
25 kg x 15,11
Forearm curls
5 or so kg barbell x 50
Mini workout
100 rep band pushdowns
50 rep band face pulls
50 rep band leg curls
50 rep neck curls,25 45 degree neck curls per side,20 side curls per side